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Sunday, February 05, 2017

A Comment Worthy Of A Post 1-30-17

Pittsville Dinette served their BEST breakfast in thirty years this morning....NONE.


  1. More like a Comment Worthy of Trash! 30 years in business in this area is nothing to be ashamed of!

  2. We stopped going there years ago because the place was filthy and from what I heard only got worse and worse. I heard it was for sale but no one will buy it probably because it is so gross. Everything needs to be taken out and the place given a heavy duty deep cleaning.

  3. 2:04, I have been there recently and it was not dirty. The food was great. Why are you commenting on a place, saying it needs a deep cleaning, if you haven't been there for years?

    1. duh they stopped going bc it was filthy then y go back ? fool.

    2. @2:43, I said why comment that the place is filthy at the present time if they haven't been there! I didn't ask WHY they stopped going. No need for name calling. Lol

  4. Casualty of an old owner refusing change with the times and adhere to modern standards of food preparation and safety.

  5. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Casualty of an old owner refusing change with the times and adhere to modern standards of food preparation and safety.

    January 30, 2017 at 2:29 PM

    Probably correct but it seems to me more people get food poisoning now then under the "old" standards of food p&s.

    As far as the place being dirty I can't fully comment on since I moved away 4 years ago and haven't eaten there in almost 5 years. However I don't think the place was as dirty as it just seemed that way because it was old and cig smoke stained. I always got a great breakfast(and better tasting) there for half the cost of OC.

  6. These are the same people that post about being thick skinned. How tough they are to drive when it snows, how they drank from a hose when they were younger, etc. Now they want to bash a 30 year old Diner and the family owners. You people are a Joke!

  7. At least they never had a crowd of Thugs leave the place stabbing people and what not!! LOL

  8. I'm sorry. that's just wrong. kicking a man when he's down. seriously??

  9. 2:56 you're exactly right. They all complain about everyone complaining. Then when something gets posted on here they fly to their keyboards so quickly to gripe lol

  10. I would like to see it turned into apts for low income. Put the building to good use.

    1. That's what we need, more reasons to drive the property value down. The 3 we have are already low income, how many more do you want??? Like our property value isn't crap already. Now a Vet home, sure, lown income, NO!

    2. I s agree with 332pm....puts its to use for us who no want to work....

  11. The place was a dump. If it wasn't they would still be open for business. Bunch of excuses why he closed. Its all crap. No one local would sell the man fresh eggs.

  12. Addie Lunchroom, Roses diner

  13. I was rather pleased that they had chicken livers on the menu. Hard to find otherwise.

  14. This place was a disgusting sh*thole!! Maybe 2-3 old people there at a time, because they don't know any better. Dave walking around like he is some kind of restaurant god. And nothing but heroin addicts working there. This was long overdue.

  15. Chicken livers-
    Grocery store has plenty of them about $1.50/lb. Salt, pepper, flour, bacon grease and frying pan.

  16. old schooler here...im gonna miss the dumplings !!
    was at outback last fri, eve...toughest piece of meat ever,and it was prime rib....musta been from a dinosaur....but then again ive been spoiled by hastings...

  17. I went there once and found out they didn't accept credit cards. I never carry cash and who doesn't except credit cards these days ?

    Luckily I was with my father who had cash to pay the bill which I hit an ATM after and gave him the money back.

    Seems to me it was run by someone who refused to move with the times and faded along the way. When you limit yourself to cash only your going to seriously reduce the amount of clientele you bring into your business not to mention the impression you leave.

    If your to cheap to pay the fees for Visa or Mastercard then what other important things are you not funding for your business ?

    1. He was probably skimming money, just like PITTSVILLE Government. Most likely the Moores loved that place!

  18. Sad! Not sure why the negative comments. It is like beating a dead horse but then it is Wicomico county/Salisbury.

  19. Well said 7:13!! Someone else said the walls were cigarette smoke stained....really??? How long has that law been in existence? NO SMOKING IN PUBLIC PLACES....tells how long its been since the place had a good cleaning!!! Has nothing to do with Wicomico County or Salisbury or Pittsville....it's all OWNERSHIP.

    1. 8:19. Nope, It's Wicomico county.

  20. Why is everyone leaving negative comments on this longtime restaurant closing. The owner is ready to retire! If the restaurant didn't measure up, it would probably have been shut down by the health department! No one is being forced to do business they don't like, so why spend time being so negative?

    1. Because it was a crap hole of ignorant judgemental people. That's why.

  21. Any new customers were looked at like trash, while the "regulars" smoked and judged. They sat in the front like they owned the place, pull up and get glared at like you have 3 heads. Don't bring kids, the old folks don't like that. Sad it'll be an empty building but not sad I won't get stuck behind the guy doing 2 miles and hour to pull in or the retiree who has to pull out in front of me and do 25mph. Treat the younger generation like crap when they try to use your establishment, this is what happens.

  22. ha dave enjoy your retirement great food and great atmosphere by the way just ignore the negative commenters in their trailers

    1. Don't live in a trailer, I own a home in a town full of corruption and a diner full of half dead ignorant townfolk. If that was great atmosphere you my dear are the one who rents a trailer,and most likely believe the Moores are good honest people. Sheep.


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