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Sunday, February 19, 2017

Salisbury News Investigated

Liberals here on the Shore are running scared, let me explain.

I recently found out that someone out there spent a lot of time and money investigating Salisbury News. Allegedly they wanted to challenge our traffic. 

Here's the deal. I have never lied about the tens of MILLIONS of hits we've enjoyed. These people want to claim that Google is bumping our numbers because it makes them look good, LMAO!

They, (Liberals) are now telling people that we are insignificant and that they no longer pay any attention to what we have to say here as no one is really listening. 

Hmmmm, very interesting. Yet they spent the time and money to investigate us. 

Nevertheless, we will never LIE to you, there's just no reason to. ANYONE, including Liberals, are welcome to come to my Office and I will be more then happy to show you our traffic, LIVE. When I can find out how to openly publish our real time numbers from Google I will be happy to do so. If anyone knows how that can be done please let me know. We have absolutely nothing to hide. In fact, I'm extremely proud of our numbers.  


  1. Probably from the local news media like wboc or wmdt, or The Daily Times. Maybe some of the liberal bloggers are also threatened by you like the EBT guy or John Robinson! Liberals hate the truth and the good ole boy network wants to keep things they way they are without dissent!

  2. Joe, just keep on what you have been doing....ding bats, moon bats will always be out there. You should be proud of what you do and what you have accomplished with this news feed. Thank you for it all

  3. Who are the libtards doing this?

  4. Too bad. They grew it now they have no other choice but to suck on it. Journalists are a dime a dozen. Real journalists are rare. Calling the President Hitler only shows their biased immaturity and sheer ignorance to the atrocities of Hitler. The country doesn't need their "news" from someone who is bias and immature and that ignorant.

  5. Joe, forget them, you don't have to prove anything to anyone, it is they who have to prove their false claims, and since it is false they can't... Furthermore, they just can't handle someone telling the truth and it gulls them to the bone becasue of that...

    But the people have been lied to for so long, they will believe anything they are told even by a troll under a bridge... It is crazy to think, no one has any common sense anymore and that they can't think on their own... Which is why I always say to people, I am surprised you can even breathe right now, without someone telling you to breathe, you are just that stupid you need someone to tell you when to breathe...

  6. Joe,I'm happy for you and you and your Staff should be proud. As for me,
    very appreciative and grateful for the service(s) you provide our community.

  7. Who believes anything a liberal says?

  8. Bahahahaha! Yeah, so Google, the liberal giant, is bumping the numbers to a conservative blog? These snowflakes will make anything up to falsely explain their downfalls and then BELIEVE it!

    I have one word for them, ACCOUNTABILITY - learn it!

  9. I've never seen the liberals or the MSM in such 'smear' mode. This is un-f**ing-believable!
    WE CAN NOT BE INTIMIDATED ANY LONGER!!!!!! It's time we stand up for what we believe and denounce this onslaught of made up news.
    The dog did NOT eat my homework! The lies have to stop.

  10. Thanks for your support and interesting comments. Anyone with a logical brain can simply look at comments alone to realize just how influential we are. When I was told about this I said, what did you think this liberal group would say to you, we blow away WBOC, WMDT and the Daily Times???? DUH! Right then and there they woke up. I found the whole thing to be quite humorous because we get to see the numbers daily and we know for a FACT that this group is lying through their teeth.

    I love the above comment about Google being a liberal group. Now that's not just funny, it's true. They are never going to pad my numbers.

  11. Lol MOLLYS CREW Waaaaaaaaa

  12. Well funny how i reported the so called event on sat and let them no that they did not apply for permits through health dept and also didnt apply through mayors office i not once have seen daily times delmarva now or wboc report this this is why they dont like sbynews people you are reporting the truth to our community and i will continue to oust these so called media for us keep up good work were talking about google who also sensor what we look up

  13. The truth hurts them,Joe!


  14. Joe said: I love the above comment about Google being a liberal group. Now that's not just funny, it's true. They are never going to pad my numbers.

    It is true. They are likely working against the blog, actually.

    Quite a few of my comments are ending up in 'spam', not because of racist comments, vulgarity or other rule violations, but because of CONTENT.

    Look at any of my comments-- which include those fished out of the spam folder by Joe-- there are no rule violations.

    Tell me Google is 'helping' Joe.

  15. Liberals refuse to tolerate anything they disagree with.

  16. I dont get it Who is investigating ?

  17. Here's an idea. Use your cell phone to record the live traffic stats for like 10 minutes and upload to youtube. Then make a post here with the link. Easy to do and will silence the naysayers.

  18. I too would like to know who and how did you find this out Joe?

  19. Hi Joe. Here's some traffic for you: love what you do, hate what they do. Here's some traffic for them: jam it!

  20. Joe... You truly are the voice of the people and I cancelled my Daily Times subscription a couple years ago exactly for that reason. You are sincere and fair in your coverage and I have never questioned the validity of your posted articles. I am a dedicated reader and occasionally put my $.02 worth in. Keep on.

  21. 2:38, that is an excellent suggestion. When I do a LIVE feed I will guarantee to do just that each and every time I do so everyone can see the daily increase. I'd still like to have a live feed link with Google. Nevertheless, I love the idea, thanks.


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