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Sunday, February 19, 2017

A Viewer Writes: Saturday March

First of all Joe let me introduce myself. My name is XXXX OOOO. (I go by Tim). I have lived in the area for 25 years now. I'm a daily reader of your blog. Thank goodness because it's the only way I can get news on what our state legislature is up to.
I've been following the story on the march downtown this coming Saturday, 2/18/2017. I will be attending as a pro Trump supporter. 

One thing I noticed was the anti Trump group will be serving refreshments and public serving of food. I contacted the country Board of Health to see if they applied for the proper permits to serve food. As of now they know nothing about any of this. I asked for a return call from a supervisor and am still waiting on it. I doubt I'll hear anything before tomorrow. I was informed that the person I need to talk to is off today. Since some of the food being served has to inspected on premises I thought I should inform the Health Department. Do you know the location of the food service for this
event? Magical Molly claims to have a room space some where for such service. I don't know if its in a public building downtown?

UPDATE: Surprise. The WCHD just called me back. They didn't know anything about the above event. They would like more information so they can investigate said food service. They told me that if food is being served they need a license. So far no requests for one.


  1. Thats bc Myslims and libs do not respect law.

  2. Liberals not following rules???? I don't believe it!

  3. Liberals have become too ignorant to even know to look into rules for required permits, licenses, etc. But let a conservative group do the same and see what happens.

  4. Then they should be fined just like the rest of people who break our laws period

  5. Fake Day and Chief Dumbcan should shut the whole mess down. Law breakers the whole bunch!

  6. To the person trying to publish Jake Day's cell phone number, not happening. You are welcome to re post with his office number but we will not publish his cell number.

    1. Why not he is a pt city offical ?

  7. Don't they have to have some permits to even march?

  8. Liberals are privileged - laws don't apply.

  9. Well i see people trying to get things done around here was worth a try so heres his office (410) 548-3100 and people try hard enough and its online just saying i got his i got hogans i mean how else would they listen a receptionist who wont listen ?? Thats why social media is also a great tool they use it so can i there not invincible

    1. Just got off phone with mayors office and also called day on cellphone and health dept they have not got any permits they at mayors office have not applied to serve food also so if they do this is clearly against the law so should be and will be held accountable i suggest more people call his office to report and i bet they will go get a permit then like the rest of us took me 2mins to do so not hard

    2. See if the idiot police chef enforces it NOT.

  10. Sorry but if freeze food is being served no license is required. If an outside vendor is coming in, for instance a food truck, they already have it in will not need to get another one.

  11. " Anonymous said...

    Liberals have become too ignorant to even know to look into rules for required permits, licenses, etc. But let a conservative group do the same and see what happens.

    February 15, 2017 at 10:42 AM"

    I know right. They don't have the thinking skills to stop and say "hey wait-maybe before getting all jazzed up and announcing the food vendor we should see what's required." Such ignorance.
    They really are proving time and time again they aren't the brightest bulbs in the pack.

  12. But...but...but
    Magical Molly's IQ is '1'
    She showed that in her picture

    Magical needs a pass on laws,rules and regulations...these shouldn't apply to her or to Nattyd..elusional from Sharptown

  13. SPD giving away pizza and snowcones?

  14. Don't drink the water

  15. SPD won't do anything it will raise the number of incidents . Darn I forgot they don't report them now. They let the State or WCSO respond.
    I don't think they want WCSO to respond. They won't treat them like the sniffling babies they act like.

  16. OMG who cares!!! Youre all a bunch of panties wadded snowflakes!!!! As long as they leave my sh*& alone they can protest the death star trying to assassinate Jesus. The liberal crybabies can have one side of the street. The conservative crybabies can have the other side of the street. Meanwhile while you all are arguing with each other about petty stuff the rest of us will watch the word burn.

  17. I want whoever has a megaphone please bring to this event to shut her the hell up

    1. Thanks joe also want to point out i contacted her job and let them no they just lost viewers and also contacted bikers for trump and waiting to see if there coming on the 18th #stopmollylikovich

    2. Them and other groups are going (3)


  18. Sincerely hope womyn and childryn aren't trampled when Jake makes a beeline for any TV cameras.


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