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Friday, February 24, 2017

Sage Steele: ‘The Worst Racism That I Have Received Has Come from Black People’

A conference on race took place at The Crossing Church in Tampa Bay, Florida, last week. The forum, titled “Under Our Skin,” attracted sports figures such as Super Bowl champion Tony Dungy, former player Ben Watson, and current ESPN anchor Sage Steele.

The forum’s purpose was to “discuss the intersection of race and faith in America today.”

That topic certainly received plenty of coverage at the conference. More notable, however, is how no one in the sports media covered what was actually said there.

Sage Steele, who is biracial and in an interracial marriage, stated that black people should look at themselves before putting blame on others. She also said that the worst racism she’s experienced has come from black people.

According to the Daily Wire Steele said, “There are times that I believe that we, as African-Americans, can be hypocritical, and that is to not look ourselves in the mirror when we are saying certain things and blaming other groups for one thing when we are doing the exact same thing.

“The worst racism that I have received [as a biracial woman married to white man], and I mean thousands and thousands over the years, is from black people, who in my mind thought would be the most accepting because there has been that experience. But even as recent as the last couple of weeks, the words that I have had thrown at me I can’t repeat here and it’s 99 percent from people with my skin color. But if a white person said those words to me, what would happen?”



  1. Truth... That's the only place you find it in America today.

  2. Everybody has different experiences. Im white and have always been treated well by blacks. I have never had a black person steal from me, whites have on several occasions. I had a white guy try to fight me for no reason and two black guys I didn't know pinned him against a wall before it got physical and squashed it. I had three guys attempt to mug me in OC, all white. The worst welfare abuse I have ever seen was a white woman. That is why I hate the us vs them attitude that comes across in so many of the comments on this page. If you are cool or you are a jerk is determined by the brain not the epidermis.

    1. My experience has been the opposite of yours for many years but now I live in a different location and job it's all good...

    2. Start your comment with "once upon a time".

  3. Thank God for sites like yours to let people see the truth.
    And why does my Apple iPod recognize Apple and iPod but not God for auto complete?

  4. Speaking the truth is so refreshing. Now back to MSM fake news.

  5. @9:41 You're a self hating sell out liar.

  6. Finally one who admits it >> Many Blacks are Racist TOOOO !

  7. We are different in many more ways than skin color but we are made out to be racists for pointing these differences out.


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