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Friday, February 24, 2017

Montana Abortion Bill Would Make Doctors Try To Save Fetus

HELENA, Mont. (AP) — Montana lawmakers pushed forward with a measure that would effectively ban all abortions after 24 weeks of pregnancy, regardless of the medical risks to a woman, by requiring doctors to deliver the fetus and try to save it.Critics of the bill said it could be among the most extreme anti-abortion laws in the nation, even as other states consider their own proposals that would reduce the window for legal abortions.

Montana already outlaws late-term abortions, unless the life of the woman is at risk — but the proposal would further restrict abortion rights. It would require doctors to deliver a fetus at six months or later by inducing labor or performing a cesarean section.

Once the fetus is removed, doctors would be required to try to resuscitate the baby. Doctors who violate the law could be charged with a felony.


1 comment:

  1. My niece was born at 6 months. Today she is a Junior in High School at Parkside. She lost her dad to a heart attack when she was about 6 years old. She spread his ashes outside in her back yard - where she played the most. T

    Abortion is a control system. Liberals use it to control populations... especially in minorities. Meanwhile telling minorities that liberals are for their best intentions and that women have a right to kill their unborn children.


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