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Friday, February 10, 2017

RNC chair: Dems ‘obstructing everything the president puts forward’

Ronna McDaniel, the new chairwoman of the Republican National Committee, said Wednesday the party is already eyeing the 2018 Senate map as Democrats throw up roadblocks on Capitol Hill.

“We have a great opportunity with the Senate. And we’re seeing what’s happening in Washington right now with Democrats obstructing every possible thing the president puts forward,” Ms. McDaniel, the niece of 2012 GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney, said on “Fox & Friends.”

“They are keeping him from putting Cabinet members in place. Now they’re threatening to filibuster the Supreme Court. So now we’re going to go to the Senate map in 2018 and say guess what? We need to get to 60 seats so we don’t have to deal with this anymore and government can function,” she said.



  1. hopefully the American public sees all this and will vote the knuckleheads out.

  2. Democrats not working in the best interest of the voters.

  3. Republicans, don't let them slow you down. You only have a window of time to make the many changes NEEDED. Do it NOW...you're working too slow and being too nice. LEARN how to fight...

  4. No different than when we Repubs in CONgress said we would block everything Obummer put forth.

    Nothing new here....same ol' same ol and frankly its disgusting! CONgress does NOT work for us and that's why TERM LIMITS are needed!

    I'm a REPUBLICAN DAMMIT and getting tired of it!!!!!


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