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Friday, February 10, 2017

Protect the American Flag!

Support Flag Desecration Amendment (HJRes. 61)

Take Action!

Rep. Steve Womack (Ark.) has introduced a proposed constitutional amendment (H. J. Res. 61) to allow Congress to pass a law to prohibit the physical desecration of the flag of the United States. Many brave men and women who serve and have served in the Armed Services feel deeply about the honor and dignity of “Old Glory,” and the physical desecration of this symbol of democracy and freedom is an affront to them and the memory of those who died in the defense of this Nation.

Please ask your Representative to support this proposed legislation.


  1. As a Vet, I think it is more of an issue to enforce the laws we have already than to worry about feel good laws such as this.

  2. Against the 1st the amendment

    1. not a problem dont like the United States LEAVE I bet you beg to come back

  3. This will never hold up. It's a flagrant violation of the free speech.

    When will you people get it through your thick skulls that free speech is one of the most precious and special rights we have, and a unique one. We should not be legislating removal of free speech of any kind.. doing so takes us one step away from freedom and liberty, and doing so is Anti-American.

    Freedom doesn't come with safety, nor does it come with a promise that your feelings wont get hurt. Take all that bottled up "snowflake" rage you all seem so happy to do bestow on others and point it at yourselves.

    Soldiers didn't fight and die for a cut of cloth, the fought and died for liberty and freedom... and that INCLUDES the right of some moron to burn the flag. Distasteful and reprehensible it may be, it is still free speech.

    1. and the flag represents that freedom

  4. and it represents the right to burn it.


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