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Friday, February 10, 2017

Pocahontas Still on the Warpath

In her diatribe against Sen. Jeff Sessions on Tuesday night, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) used the late Sen. Ted Kennedy's words to attack Sessions as a racist.

In his farewell speech, Sessions said he actually got along with Sen. Kennedy when they served together on the Judiciary Committee, and Kennedy even asked Sessions to sponsor legislation with him.

"It was a moment of reconciliation that meant a lot to me, and I think he appreciated it, too," Sessions said.

For the record, in a series of tweets after Sessions was confirmed, Sen. Warren continued her attack on Sessions, accusing him of "radical hatred."

-- "There’s no Rule 19 to silence me from talking about Jeff Sessions anymore. So let me say loudly & clearly: This is just the beginning"

-- "If Jeff Sessions turns a blind eye while @realDonaldTrump violates the Constitution or breaks the law, he'll hear from all of us.'

-- "If Jeff Sessions makes even the tiniest attempt to bring his racism, sexism & bigotry into @TheJusticeDept, he'll hear from all of us.'

-- "And you better believe every Senator who voted to put Jeff Sessions’s radical hatred into @TheJusticeDept will hear from all of us, too."



  1. This proves we have some mentally ill ladies in the Congress , she so needs attention most of the time. I wonder what else she needs to make her happy?

  2. That's a lot of "If's", Liz.

    How about you tell us what he DID, specifically, with quotes and dates?

  3. I'm going to get you, my little pretty...and your little dog too!
    This time, is wasn't a house that fell on her, it was the Senate.

  4. And I thought all the moonbats were from California.

  5. Liawatha doesn't understand that the people just voiced their collective opinion! She needs to go back to Taxachusetts and get ready for her post-political career!


  6. that is a female that needs to find a good cave in (what?) Somewhere in New England??? Send her to represent the Mount Washington district

  7. Moonbats & wing nuts from sea to shining sea 7:49. She has to quote a famous murderer?

  8. Pocahantas!! Is that politically correct? Lets not demean the Native Americans!!

  9. Unfortunately, we'll hear from her no matter what. Sessions could become a democrat and she would still mouth off. Such a typical female democrat politician. Its what they do. It is a toss up whether Pelosi, Warren, or Hillary is the most corrupt, or make the most asinine statements.

  10. If I was a democrat, I'd be embarrassed by her representation of the party. However, by all appearances, it seems the democrats have no scruples when it comes to blind and rabid support of their party leaders.

  11. Looks like sessions need to start digging for some skeletons in somebody's closet


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