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Sunday, February 26, 2017

President Trump Overshadows Magical Molly!

By Thornton Crowe

While Magical Molly and her posse were participating in flowery speeches based on Media generated fodder, down in Florida, something more significant was occurring elsewhere in the country, which also warrants attention.

President Trump had his first progress briefing with his real bosses: The American People

In Melbourne, Florida, many people like Gene Huber, were on the scene at 4am for the slated 6pm speech by the President. Until yesterday, no one knew who he was but after the speech, the world knew because he spoke at the rally and as Trump stated, "A star was born."

Mr. Huber and every other American - whether they're with him or not - will soon enjoy a robust economy that is slowly awakening after an eight-plus-year hiatus. And it's not everyday (if ever) that we've seen a president randomly pick anyone out of the crowd to come up and speak without knowing what they're going to say in advance. But, then again, Donald Trump is no typical president which, is one of the big reasons why he won!

President Trump seized the opportunity for the second time this week to clear the air and tell us everything the Media refused to report in earnest. His unprecedented rally only goes further to galvanize his difference and proves, he's doing it 'his' way. Additionally, it was refreshing to see our First Lady opening the unique event with the Lord's Prayer.

The fact is, some like Molly and the MSM, still don't get it. Instead of a career politician who doesn't keep his promises, we now have a fellow citizen whose used to getting results and not afraid to stand up for himself when unjustly attacked. And for a first month in office, he's done more than most before him with lightning speed.

While I'm all about the 1A, I'm also a staunch advocate of people getting informed on facts and not pimp the ridiculous bumpersticker talking point directives handed down by the dying DNC party. As Molly recovers from their big day in downtown, Mr. President is working to keep his promises!

It would behoove Molly and her group to quit complaining about the president and start using him as an example of how to succeed in life - as that's surely a much more productive use of their time, effort and energy. Standing around making speeches based on half-truths or completely made up stories by the press doesn't produce anything but promote bad energy and negative karma.

Additionally, to the guy who had the "Immigrants built America" sign yesterday at the big rally: Yes, you're right, but it was legal immigrants that built America - not illegal aliens. There is a subtle yet vast difference between the two!

Sorry, Molly, but President Trump won the day! Who do you think won the day?


  1. Well said. Great article...thank you.

  2. The anti American protesters were uninspiring lacked enthusiasm and came off as uninformed...Maybe 50 of them total, there was about 200 Trump people that seemed to enjoy themselves greatly.

    1. I was there... At the MOST, there was 40 Trump supporters. And, not too bright at that. Mumbling of yelling "terrorist" when a young girl in a Hijab was speaking, murmurs of chanting: "USA, USA, USA!"when that is what everyone else was there for. The USA. The pro-Trump people I saw were hell bent on trying to intimidate, when in reality, it seemed like a sad group of folks ticked off that football season was over.

      I suggest you contact your mathematics teacher and hope that it wasn't Betsy De Vos, as you obviously cannot count very well.

  3. yes it was Awesome to see President Trump pull up the guy from the Audeance lol.

  4. Writing this article gives lunatic Molly more of an audience than she ever deserved. We (the right) need to rise above these nuisances. Does a Bull stop grazing when an ant crawls over its hoof? No. The bull stays on course. Does not deviate from his purpose. So must we. We must stay the course.

  5. 9:39AM I have written on more positive subject matter but it seems many here in Salisbury aren't all that interested in anything unless it relates to what's inside their bubble. You're more than welcome to get up at the crack of dawn on Sunday morning and write! Have at it, chief!

    1. Mr. Crowe..I meant no disrespect whatsoever to you. I enjoy your writings. My point (apparently poorly stated) was that we have spent entirely too much time on this left wing goof. I apologize if I offended you. No offense was intended.

    2. 11:20PM no offense taken. We are squared.

  6. I get up an hour before the crack of dawn every single day, I love supporting my family, it makes me feel good

  7. 9:46AM Well be happy then, President Trump is working for that to be an easier job for you to accomplish!

  8. Wboc claimed hundreds of Trump protesters and about 20 supporters

  9. Molly's last speaker I believe it was Amber Green wore a BLM jacket demanding that older people sit down and shut up because the younger generation needs to call the shots... BLM just last week called all White people sub human and called for the systematic genocide of the Caucasian race. Do you Molly agree with this sentiment ? If not why have a terrorist group member speak.

    1. That's the left for you....censorship.

  10. WBOC 954? HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA WRDE provides WAY more 411 about our eastern shore than WBOC/WMDT put together.


  11. We are a nation of immigrants not refugees.

  12. I've really heard enough about this Molly , all we are doing is building her ego with attention. This female or whatever she is needs mental help . She said she was raped , I don't think it's possible.

  13. 1011 and they say Trump supporters are brownshirts. Fascists seldom know what fascism is let alone when they're being fascists. Anyone who spews about genocide and tears down one group in favor of another is demonstrative of those traits. People wake up!

  14. Liberals forget what these rallies of misfits did for the Equal Rights Amendment in the 70s. Here's a hint, it wasn't ratified.

  15. The Nazi's "The national Socialist party" They were left-wing socialists. Yes, the National Socialist Workers Party of Germany, otherwise known as the Nazi Party, was indeed socialist, and it had a lot in common with the modern left. Hitler preached class warfare, agitating the working class to resist ``exploitation'' by capitalists -- particularly Jewish capitalists, of course. Their program called for the nationalization of education, health care, transportation, and other major industries. They instituted and vigorously enforced a strict gun control regimen. They encouraged pornography, illegitimacy, and abortion, and they denounced Christians as right-wing fanatics.

    1. Yet many ppl today don't see the correlation between Nazis and the DNC! Amazing because it's clear as sunshine ☀️

    2. Nazis were not leftist. Please familiarize yourself with the facts of history.

    3. 1156 i hold a grad degree in Third Reich history. Think I've got plenty of education in that area.

  16. America is now winning the day. Slowly but surely.

  17. According to a popular misconception, the Nazis must have been on the political right because they persecuted communists and fought a war with the communists in Russia. This specious logic has gone largely unchallenged because it serves as useful propaganda for the left, which needs ``right-wing'' atrocities to divert attention from the horrific communist atrocities of the past century. Hence, communist atrocities have received much less publicity than Nazi war crimes, even though they were greater in magnitude by any objective measure.

    R. J. Rummel of the University of Hawaii documents in his book Death by Government that the two most murderous regimes of the past century were both communist: communists in the Soviet Union murdered 62 million of their own citizens, and Chinese communists killed 35 million Chinese citizens. The Nazi socialists come in third, having murdered 21 million Jews, Slavs, Serbs, Czechs, Poles, Ukrainians and others. Additional purges occurred in smaller communist hellholes such as Cambodia, Vietnam, North Korea, Ethiopia, and Cuba, of course. Communism does more than imprison and impoverish nations: it kills wholesale. And so did ``national socialism'' during the Nazi reign of terror.

    But the history of the past century has been grossly distorted by the predominantly left-wing media and academic elite. The Nazis have been universally condemned -- as they obviously should be -- but they have also been repositioned clear across the political spectrum and propped up as false representatives of the far right -- even though Hitler railed frantically against capitalism in his infamous demagogic speeches. At the same time, heinous crimes of larger magnitude by communist regimes have been ignored or downplayed, and the general public is largely unaware of them. Hence, communism is still widely regarded as a fundamentally good idea that has just not yet been properly ``implemented.'' Santayana said, ``Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.'' God help us if we forget the horrors of communism and get the historical lessons of Nazism backwards.

    The Nazis also had something else in common with the modern left: an obsessive preoccupation with race. Hitler and his Nazis considered races other than their own inferior, of course. Modern ``liberals,'' who vociferously oppose the elimination of racial quotas, seem to agree. They apparently believe that non-white minorities (excluding Asians, of course) are inferior and unable to compete in the free market without favoritism mandated by the government. Whereas Hitler was hostile to those racial minorities, however, modern white ``liberals'' condescend benevolently. Hitler's blatant and virulent form of racism was eradicated relatively quickly and very forcefully, but the more subtle and insidious racism of the modern left has yet to be universally recognized and condemned.

    The media often focuses its microscope on modern neo-nazi lunatics, but the actual scope of the menace is relatively miniscule, with perhaps a few thousand neo-nazis at most in the United States (mostly ``twenty-something'' know-nothings). The number of communists and communist sympathizers in the United States dwarfs that figure, of course -- even among tenured professors! And while the threat of neo-nazi terrorism is indeed serious, the chance of neo-nazis gaining any kind of legitimate political power anywhere is virtually zero. That is why the ACLU can safely use them to advertise its supposed commitment to free speech. Neo-nazi rallies incite violence, but they do not persuade bystanders to join their cause! If they did, the ACLU would have nothing to do with them. EDUCATE YOURSELVES NAZI'S WERE LEFTIST'S

    1. Well done and exactly accurate, 1208p. Some of the commenters here would do themselves a great service if they actually studied Third Reich history before spouting off nonsense about subject matter they clearly don't know nor understand. There is a double volume bio of a leading Hitler expert Ian Kershaw that should someone really want to understand what a Nazi truly is and how to spot one!

    2. I have always associated elites and Nazis with the left liberal party of Democrats. Now they are trying to put that label on Republicans, but the only ones who believe that lie are other liberals. I've never been a fan of Democrats, but these past ten to fifteen years they've managed to go off the deep end and have even been mentally unstable in their thinking.

  18. Anonymous said...

    Writing this article gives lunatic Molly more of an audience than she ever deserved. We (the right) need to rise above these nuisances. Does a Bull stop grazing when an ant crawls over its hoof? No. The bull stays on course. Does not deviate from his purpose. So must we. We must stay the course.

    February 19, 2017 at 9:39 AM"

    I disagree. Pre-election the MSM bombarded us with stories about the left's attempt to thwart a Trump victory. They showed ad nauseum anti Trump rallies and videos of interruption of Trump rallies.
    It's backfired and Donald J Trump is now the President of the United States of America.
    Each time Molly and her kind, BLM etc are given publicity of any kind it backfires. This because they only represent a very very small minority most of which is centered in the larger cities and suburbs of the country. The democrat party as a whole see Molly and her kind for what they really are-the ruination of the democrat party. They are the ones who really want to silence her and not the right. You can be assured that many of the comments against her came from democrats who are smart enough to see the right is using her as their tool. Not one local democrat club supported her rally.
    The best of it all is that Molly and her kind are ignorant and can't see how the right is using them.

  19. "Anonymous said...

    Nazis were not leftist. Please familiarize yourself with the facts of history.

    February 19, 2017 at 11:56 AM"

    Maybe you should first-

    The Nazi party was called National Sozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (National Socialist German Workers' Party). As you can note, if you remove "German", you could apply this label to any number of current left-wing organizations, and it would fit nicely. No right-wing organization I know calls itself "Socialist" or "Workers'".

    Name, however, does not define the ideology. Actions do so let's go over the main traits of the Nazi regime:

    Totalitarian control over the information and enforcement of specific ideology, leaving no space for dissent. This is a trait of many left-wing regimes, such as communist ones.

    Strict governmental control over the economy, while leaving the means of production formally private. This places them at the left - while many left ideologies want to remove private ownership completely, others are content with mere control and not outright ownership. Publicly Nazis were opposed to capitalism, associated it with Jews and vigorously attacked it. Private ownership was greatly restricted and some property - like land - while formally owned, could not be sold or used contrary to the wishes of the state. Overall, this is associated with left-wing ideology.

    Religious matters - Nazis were relatively tolerant to religions that not interfered with their goals, while vigorously persecuting ones that opposed them. Sound familiar? The left isn't very tolerant of Christianity since it interferes with their goals.

    Relationship between the individual and the state - the Nazis were very collectivist (where the collective is the nation), which places them on the left.

  20. " Anonymous said...

    Nazis were not leftist. Please familiarize yourself with the facts of history.

    February 19, 2017 at 11:56 AM"

    LOL Gotta love these dumbed down products of the US "education" system.
    God Bless their little low information hearts. Never been off the shore but think they know it all because they heard it from some college professor who has never been out in the real world either. God love 'em.
    I've been to Auschwitz and I've forgotten more about the Nazi's then they will ever hope to know. To sum it up in a few simple easy for the dumbed down to understand-Big Government and complete control over peoples lives from everything to what they did for a living to their healthcare. Nazi ideology was far more left wing then right.

  21. " Anonymous said...

    The anti American protesters were uninspiring lacked enthusiasm and came off as uninformed...Maybe 50 of them total, there was about 200 Trump people that seemed to enjoy themselves greatly.

    February 19, 2017 at 9:20 AM"

    That's right. I counted about 50-60 on their side by signs/hats and association and lost count of the Pro Trump side at around 150.

  22. Did Molly write the WBOC story, or just provide fake numbers?

  23. The daily slime reported that there were 1/4 Pro Trump vs Anti Trump. The pictures show differently! It sounds like none of our local news sources are fair nor honest. They have all resorted to Fake news and Alternative facts! None of them will get any more of my money!

  24. They think because they read in the WashPost or heard on CNN that President Trump's America First slogan was invented in the 30's by Nazi-friendly Americans that some how Nazi ideology was right wing.
    The slogan and platform of America First was first heard during the 1920 presidential campaign by whom would become the 34th president of the US; Warren G Harding.

  25. Nazis were to the RIGHT, not the left.

    The left veers toward full blown COMMUNISM, as opposed to corporate FACISM.

    We are entering a time period of facist government - the merger of corporations with the government.

    1. You absolutely incorrect 217. Also suggestion. If you're going to talk about fascism, the very least you can do is learn how to spell it! Not a good sign. But your words also betray your ignorance of said subject. Happy Sunday my silly little friend.

  26. In Adolf Hitler's own words, May 1, 1927.

    " We are socialists, we are enemies of today’s capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions."

  27. I've never heard of a self-described right-wing person who espouses any of the "values" attributed to Fascism, while several of these values actually DO align with the Left. I suspect that the Left simply enjoys equating the Right with Nazis and has managed to use media superiority to ingrain their slander in history books.

    Fascism is unquestionably collectivist, which is a characteristic of the Left. The emphasis on the power of the State is the opposite of right-wing. There is little difference in practice, either, between Fascism's government control of the economy and that of other collectivisms, even communism.

    Leftists do seek to brand the Right as the side of militarism or overt nationalism, and especially racism, but again, these are all slanders that the Right has never actually embraced. So you might want to research actual facts and realize all the names you call people like Fascist are the ideals you defend.

  28. Communism is clearly left wing even Trotsky considered Fascism to be right wing of Socialism which is another left wing ideal. Hitler fought the Communist but that didn't make him right wing he was Socialist after all it was an internal struggle within the left. I hope this clears up the misconception.

  29. The left likes to rewrite history i.e never a mention that the KKK was founded by democrats.

    Many when they think of Hitler think of the Holocaust but few were ever taught how he ruled Germany and the Germans that weren't marched off to the death camps.

    Hitler promised employment for all. How? In the form of today's stimulus money, roads and bridges. Not in the private sector. Certainly left leaning.

    Indoctrination (some like tho think of it as early childhood education) starting at a young age. Mothers were forced to go into the work force so the Nazi government established 24/7 day cares. The state wanted to raise the children. This is leftist ideology.

    Nationalized health care. Hitler socialized health care. It was free for everyone and was government controlled.

    Hitler was a big fan of abortion. Abortion is a platform of the left.

    Hitler blamed Germany's "one percent" for everything including economic hardship. The Jews were that one percent. Sound familiar? Without any doubts leftist drivel.

    1. 346 don't forget it was Democrat FDR who interred over 100K Japanese Americans without due process during the Second World War. They revised or omit that factoid as well.

    2. 346 in her book about the village people, Clinton said the government was better to raise children than their parents. Sounds like the Nazi youth camps to me.

  30. Who said-

    "I shall never fight in the armed forces with a negro by my side. Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds,"

    Robert Byrd, a Democratic senator in office from 1959 until 2010.

    1. Byrd was best buddies with the Clintons & Obama in spite of being a grand imperial wizard or whatever they call their grand poopa!

  31. I don't fault FDR for the internment there was a lot of fear and paranoia when the Japanese attacked and there were plenty of Japanese spy's in America. You have to put things in perspective of that time.

    1. 556 and you can make this historical assertion how? Actually there are only a few books on the subject but clear you have read none of them! FDR & his administration clearly discriminated against the Japanese American culture and they did the concentration camps while ignoring all semblance of due process which was their inalienable rights as legal US citizens. It also took over 50 years for the measly restitution for this disjustice. The point here i, once again, liberals fail to acknowledge their own indiscretions and rewrite history at whim without accepting any party responsibility. Keep it in context.

  32. The left is fond of quoting Gandhi as well. I wonder if they know he was a "hater."

    "The white race of South Africa should be the predominating race," Gandhi. He also said, of himself and his followers, "We believe as much in the purity of race as" white South Africans.
    He called black South Africans "kaffirs," which is South Africa’s equivalent of the N-word and objected to blacks living among South African Indians: "About this mixing of the Kaffirs with the Indians, I must confess I feel strongly. I think it is very unfair to the Indian population." He wrote that "Kaffirs are as a rule uncivilized. The reader can easily imagine the plight of the poor Indian thrown into such company!"

  33. One historian name Garrety wrote a great comparison piece that compared Hitler and FDR because both dealt with staggering depressions post the First World War. Unfortunately, FDR did not win against the depression while Hitler did and went on to create a powerful army, known as the Weirmacht. The Third Reich philosophy was National socialism and they believed in nationalization of every facet in citizens' lives. This is fact not dreamed up unicorns. If you look at the doctrine of today's Left this theory permeates their whole premise. Therefore Nazism and modern day liberalism are very close bed fellows. Anyone believing different have really stupid Nazi history with all its nuances.

  34. " Anonymous said...

    Byrd was best buddies with the Clintons & Obama in spite of being a grand imperial wizard or whatever they call their grand poopa!

    February 19, 2017 at 6:12 PM"

    The leaked Clinton emails have Clinton staffers calling African Americans lazy and losers. Those staffer were never fired even after the emails appeared on Wikileaks. Proof of Clinton's feeling toward blacks.

  35. 10:11 Jackie Welfonder surely didn't mind getting her pics in with Amber Green yesterday.

  36. "Anonymous said...

    I don't fault FDR for the internment there was a lot of fear and paranoia when the Japanese attacked and there were plenty of Japanese spy's in America. You have to put things in perspective of that time.

    February 19, 2017 at 5:56 PM"

    I agree and that is what President Trump is doing with both the ban and the wall. While the fear and the paranoia isn't prevalent the risks of not having a ban are undeniable considering what is going on in Europe. As far as the wall the heroin in the US is coming from both Mexico and S American much via unsecured borders. Also many of the guns confiscated and those used in the inner cities shootings and murders are being traced to Mexico. This esp true in Chicago where there are literally relaying firearms from unsecured border areas to Chicago. From there many are dispersed to other cities.

  37. We're not a country without borders. Borders are about to be a reality once again. People need to get a grip and deal with it. If you don't like borders, Sweden is a good place. You can even smoke your pot and pick up a hooker or two there without any legal issues.

  38. If Hillary was president we would have world open boarders and 9/11 part II.

  39. 756 Clinton and her buddies John McCain and Lindsey Graham would have us in a full out war with Russia because they stand to make more bank than they've already scammed from taxpayers and donors from that stupid Foundation. Liberals like to omit curious little facts like that when they're acting like morons throwing temper tantrums three months after the dye was cast.

  40. 7:56 and open borders too unless boarders are the shelves at the lumber yard.


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