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Wednesday, February 01, 2017

Organic Protest?

Note the TIME. Now look for the BLUE signs..... Prefabricated signs... Organic Protest? Seriously? President Trump announced Justice Gorsuch at 8:15PM on the dot.

You're being played, people. Wake UP!


  1. "PEOPLE FOR THE AMERICAN WAY" lol - I'm on their email list - they are so far removed from the American way - they are totally unhinged!

  2. No pro signs could be made up that quick. Soros is at it again. Paid useful idiots. Indeed. 😜😜😜

  3. These idiotic sore-losing puppets and their liberal globalist elites simply do not get it. They and their radical liberal beliefs were rejected by mainstream America in this past election. Be sure that these disrupting protests will continue to stir up their liberal base to cause trouble for Trump and the Republicans and try to persuade many in the next election to go out and vote liberal politicians back into office. Be on guard and keep up the pace of making changes to keep America great!

  4. I am having a hard time with anyone who doesn't get this bullcrap

  5. If the GOP has to go nuclear to get this one and the likes of McCain and Graham get in the way we need to seriously get these old heads out of the party. Hate them as much as I hate democratic politicians.

  6. these signs were completed and on the scene 45 mins after the announcement????

  7. Let the stupid liberals waste their money. Idiots had to make up at least two sets of signs so they would have the right one.

  8. They had the signs, with the most probable candidate's name, already printed and just pulled the appropriate sign out when called on.

  9. These anarchists are being dealt with - it just takes a little time. In the meantime we can continue to support President Trump who by all accounts is actually living up to his campaign promises. Swiftly, firmly, and without question. One item at a time. True leadership.

  10. People for the American Way registered a bunch of domain names all of them a variation of Stop So and So. They used the short list published earlier in January. They probably had a bunch of those signs printed up with different names, too. I did like the fill in the blank sign, hahaha.

  11. The Liberals are killing their party! So sick of this unrest, it makes me dislike liberals more and more with each passing day.

  12. Too bad Steve Harvey didn't make the announcement, then they'd be stuck with the wrong signs.

  13. Gorsuch is an awesome pick for the SCOTUS and we are lucky it's nobody Clinton would nominate. She'd have the court so left leaning we wouldn't even have a Constitution anymore.


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