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Wednesday, February 01, 2017

New Reality?


  1. I think it's the most racist policy by a food and beverage provider I've seen in my life time... I cut up two gift cards just out of principle and canceled my app. FYI I know he is Wall Street and doesn't need my money but the place makes me feel dirty.

  2. It makes me feel Un-American. So sick of taking care of the worlds problems and letting us burn at home.

  3. Not a coffee drinker.
    Only been in a starbucks once; since I do not appreciate the smell of coffee, the strong smell of their stores is not a place I ever go.
    I have heard their lemon cake is fantastic, but I cannot in good conscience give them my money.

  4. I will tell you this....... me and my family will NEVER spend another dime there!!!
    We will also be boycotting CBS,CNN,and all those affiliated. No Academy Awards will be watched- No Grammys! Let the few they really are grovel amongst themselves! Would the REAL America please stand up!!! We have to do more than vote! Now we have to support! If all supporters of this new administration would just follow suit these liberals will defeat themselves. ILLEGAL MEANS ILLEGAL. Its those people that must be turned around and sent back to where they came from. We are the "HOME TEAM" folks! Defend it!!

  5. That about sums it up doesn't it? ☕️☕️☕️☕️ Get your coffee somewhere else. They don't want nor need our American money either.

  6. Snowflake haven! As well they should all congregate and work at *bucks for their $15 bucks an hr. When reality sets in - and it will very quickly at $15 bucks an hr via kiosks, lack of customers, Snowflakes will be a flocking (student debt and all) to the real American workforce.

    Oh the fun it will be sitting back, watching the attempts to assimilate and the crying/moaning on social media!!!

    This actually could be very entertaining - while fishing!

    Tick Tock, only 47 days until the 1st day of SPRING!!!!

  7. Never going again, under any circumstances.

  8. 1:17 that's what you get when you have to let everyone know you're the "greatest country in the world" by broadcasting it everywhere. We maintain our power by stomping on those less powerful

  9. Their recipe for lemon cake is online.

  10. Just scratched S-bucks off my list.

  11. Starbucks coffee sucks anyway unless you need paint remover.

  12. It''s really not a big deal. Studies have shown Dems tend to like Starbucks and Rebups go for Dunkin. Ya'll didn't drink it anyway...................pretty sure you won't be missed.


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