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Friday, February 10, 2017

Most Left-Wing Protesters Live With Mom and Dad

You ever wonder how all those young people have all that free time to go to protests, camp out at Occupy Wall Street, sit around at demonstrations against oil pipelines and GMO firms?

While no one in the U.S. has bothered to ask the kids just how they afford all that free time, a newspaper in Germany studied 873 suspects who were investigated by authorities for a decade, between 2003 and 2013. You'll never guess what they found. (Yes you will.)

More than 9 out of 10 of the political protesters (92 percent) live with their parents, with a third unemployed. Eighty-four percent were young men -- the usual age was 21 to 24 -- with 16 percent women, the Bild newspaper wrote.

And their political views are, of course, hyper liberal.

"Most politically motivated violent crimes come from the left-wing scene," Interior Senator Frank Henkel told the paper.


  1. That's because of Obama's 8 years in office.

  2. Tragic but not surprising. 8 years of Obama has created a generation of rude, lazy, entitled a$$holes.

  3. This is in Germany you idiots. This is why no one takes you shore folks seriously. You can't even bother to read...

  4. NO 311pm, it happened prior to Obummer.

    WTH happened?? I couldn't venture out fast enough at 18....fell MANY MANY times, not enough to return to Mom/Dad. 40+ years later, retired watching many sunrises, sunsets, with spirits in hand and spouse by my side. Our kids - NOT snowflakes and doing very well.

    WTH truly happened to the American Dream? Its more like American mooch or American who can I sue.

  5. Their parents created and enabled them.

  6. Note that liberals are always on the take, even from Mom and Dad.

  7. Why am I not surprised?


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