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Friday, February 10, 2017

Activists crowd meeting on proposed pipeline under Potomac

HANCOCK, Md. (AP) — Environmental activists crowded a TransCanada open house Thursday in western Maryland, blocking access to displays about the company’s proposed pipeline beneath the Potomac River to carry natural gas from Pennsylvania to West Virginia.

Protest leaders pledged a sustained campaign against the project, planned by the same Canadian energy company behind the disputed Keystone XL oil pipeline.

Russell Mokhiber of Berkeley Springs, West Virginia, told the peaceful protesters they can defeat the Eastern Panhandle Expansion Project by making their concerns about potential leaks known to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission once TransCanada files its application in March.



  1. I guess they don't know about the Colonial Pipeline which carries almost all the gasoline and oil to the northeast states and has for umpteen years. It goes under the Potomac, too.

  2. 3:41 PM, and what happens WHEN not IF that pipe breaks under the Potomac??? As a pipe did a few miles above where the Dakota protest where happening? Whereas the owners TransCanada says it is impossible for a pipe to break with all this so called new tech they have and all of the other bs crap they spew and you gobble up hook line and sinker, and yet while the protest continued, the pipe broke and spilled millions of gallons of crude, proving the point of the water protesters in the first place...

    Oh that is right, lets not look at EVIDENCE, no that would be the smart thing to do, but we know you aren't that smart to begin with...

    1. Pipelines are the safest mode of transportation. That's a fact. There are pipelines still in operation that were laid by John D Rockefeller.

      And thanks to the trash removed from 1600 Penn Ave, Dakota access, Keystone XL, Atlantic Sunrise, and Rover pipeline have been approved by FERC. Build, baby, build!

  3. where do these people breed. don't they have jobs???

  4. If our nation lived under the WHAT IF roof - well I suppose freedom of speech would not exist. Always first to say No; always first to say NIMBY; always first to negatively react.

    How do people live that way. PAY IT FORWARD!

  5. It's safer and a more green way of transporting fuel.


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