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Thursday, February 09, 2017

Mom deported to Mexico amid Phoenix protests

PHOENIX -- The deportation of an immigrant mother in Phoenix who was granted leniency during the Obama administration provides an early example of how President Trump plans to carry through on his vow to crack down on illegal immigration.

The case of Guadalupe Garcia de Rayos became a rallying cry Thursday for immigrant groups who believe Mr. Trump’s approach to immigration unfairly tears apart families. Her arrest prompted a vocal demonstration in downtown Phoenix as protesters blocked enforcement vans from leaving a U.S. immigration office. Seven people were arrested.

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) confirmed to CBS News that Garcia was deported to Mexico Thursday morning. Garcia was the subject of a court-issued removal order that became final in July 2013 after going through multiple levels of the immigration court system, ICE said in a statement.



  1. Good tuff cry me a frigging river ..she stole from us by stealing someonesid and scaming the system by having two babies here. BS!! they do this because they know their kids are set and we pay for it all. ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT COMMITS FELONIES She is gone!! If she went to PRISON HERE mommy still be gone fool!!

  2. 2013 see that you dumbass liberals. Stupid is your middle name.

  3. Don't do the crime if you can't do the time.

  4. It's called identity theft. Stealing someone else's S.S.number.

  5. Of all the deportations possible, they had to choose this one to publicize???
    Media makes it more & more difficult to like them. When they gonna accept that Trump is now President?

  6. After she was found using a stolen ID (a felony)in 2009, how do you think she was surviving? She was undoubtedly getting welfare, food stamps, etc to support her and her 2 kids. That means you and I were paying her to stay in this country. What is wrong with this picture?

  7. No one on the planet has a "right" to move to America and have citizens pay for thier new life.
    Just because you didn't get caught swimming across the border doesn't mean you are okay now because you got away with it for a few years.
    Want to try that with bank robbery or stock fraud?
    Which liberal sissie girlie boys think that SOME CRIME is okay and we need to "look the other way"?
    If you are not a citien of America, you DO NOT have any American rights.
    You get a jail cell until the next plane leaves for Mexico city.
    Million are cheering THAT.

  8. I think identity theft penalty should be death by what every means the victim chooses.

  9. How often do you think she voted? Go to Mexico and try to do what this POS did in the USA and see what happens.

  10. Why does there have to be discussions on illegal immigration ? There are laws in place and they justly need to be enforced. Should I not get a fine for doing 75 mph in a 45 mph zone ? Unbelievable we waste all this time on this matter.


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