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Thursday, February 09, 2017

In race to run the Democratic Party, common sense has already lost

The Democratic Party isn’t interested in an electoral autopsy. The slow-motion disaster of its search for a new Democratic National Committee chair proves it.

Unlike the Republicans, who commissioned one quickly after Mitt Romney’s defeat to President Barack Obama in 2012, many on the left have coped with Hillary Clinton’s stunning loss by sticking their heads deeper into the sand of California’s lovely beaches.

Besides, as far as Dems are concerned, who needs a lessons-learned study: Hillary won the popular vote, and only because of the archaic, backward and (sure, why not?) racist Electoral College did Donald Trump steal the presidency from a woman who deserved it more than anybody else. To many Democrats, winning the popular vote was clearly a validation of their party’s platform, if not a mandate to move further left.

Just look at the slate of candidates for DNC chair.

Among the eight official candidates, only two have a serious chance of winning: Minnesota Rep. Keith Ellison and President Barack Obama’s former secretary of labor, Thomas Perez.


1 comment:

  1. Perez held management posts for O'Malley. He's a zealot so fit right in with Obama and Holder.


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