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Sunday, February 12, 2017

Molly Lickovich: Let Us Correct Your FAKE Propaganda


  1. She seems confused. I guess she is thinking of Clinton, not Trump.
    Trump is surrounded by beautiful women, so why would he ever feel the need to rape anyone?
    Bill, on the other hand....

  2. Like they say "There's no such thing as bad press" Unless it's is this you idiot. Molly you are making yourself famous. Not for standing up for people but for how ignorant you are.

  3. Exactly thats why I voted for Trump over Clinton. The snowflake brigade strikes again!

  4. Fat Molly is protesting to allow unvetted Muslims in America, Molly must not be aware of how women are treated as property and have no rights under Sharia. So Molly how can you explain your position ? And why were you so quiet when Obama banned Muslim's from the same countries ?

  5. President Trump never raped anyone. These so called protesters are sad people. They are misfits (I mean just look at her! Ugly looking thing with those ridiculous looking glasses and the chewed up fingernails) who are looking to fit in somewhere anywhere.

  6. Molly Likovich
    37 mins ·

    Here is the tentative list of groups and organizations who have expressed to me that they will be in attendance on the 18th, if you know of any I don't list, please comment down below so I can add them to my records.

    Beth Israel Congregation
    Saint Francis de Sales Parish
    Unitarian Fellowship
    Peace Alliance of the Lower Shore
    Delmarva Muslim Community/Local Mosque
    Environmental Field of the Eastern Shore
    SURJ (Showing Up for Racial Justice)

    Jackie Wellfonder Awesome!
    Like · Reply · 33 mins

  7. Our tentative list of speakers/performers is as follows, today is the LAST CALL for anyone who wants to speak, after that the list will be too long and we won't have time for everyone, so if you want to get on stage and share your work or words, today is the day to let me know! Here is who we have so far (in no particular order, set list is not definite yet)

    Mike O'Loughlin, music/songs
    Katie Turner, speech
    Elise Laabab, speech
    Michael Feldman, speech
    Salar Shazad, speech
    Martina Desire’e Maya Callen, music/songs
    Amber Green, speech
    Babs McGrory, poetry/speech
    Dylan Nutter, poetry
    Adia Dodoo, speech
    Imam Ashraf, speech
    Bailey Messick, Erin Finley, & myself, acapella song
    Natasha Freeman, poetry
    *i MAY read a poem, depends*

    If you want to join the lineup, PLEASE get in touch with me by the end of the day with an idea of what you'll be doing, your email and phone number so I can add you to the contact list.

  8. Post her address so we can send refugess to her home.

  9. You can add about 100 BIKERS to you list..

  10. Oh great, the "Rent a Mob" is forming. Add in some Wheezing Baby Boomers trying "hold on to the 60's as long as they can." and this should be a real "Moon Bat" Convention. All we need to hear is if the group dedicated to "vegetable peace" show up. What a joke. Oh, and please read a poem-I am sure it will be as Trump would say "Huge." Maybe one of their idols Maxine Waters can give another speech telling us about how Putin invaded Korea like she did the other day. This thing is going to look like the bar scene from the Star Wars movie. Please someone take pictures of this massive crowd.

  11. joe
    You need to google her name and Vimeo see what video pops up she is the next blair witch lol.

  12. I remember attending the Berlin Trump rally back in April, SURJ Delmarva's first action that we participated in. Was handing out granola bars and water to anyone who was hungry or thirsty. And yes, even to Trump supporters who had been waiting in line forever (who were also sort of surprised that someone involved in the protest would care) We're probably more alike then we realize. Same town, same community, same virtues and vices and human failings. And yet some of us are trying to add a little more good to the world but all you want to do is ridicule people for it? You have the right to do it, of course, but that doesn't make it right. Come and watch if you want to, but if you're not adding something better to the world than hiding behind an anonymous tag and throwing shade at people trying to do the right thing, then God help us all. Peace and blessings be to ALL of you, all of US, our country together.

    1. Tell it to the snowflakes and libs.

  13. where is this disaster going on so I can avoid their stupid traffic jams as a result? other people have errands to run on their days off. not like we have every day off like these losers.

  14. 1:33 I hope you are right. That would be GREAT!!!! These clowns need to see what real patriots look like.

  15. Are they going to have a box of pussyhats there?

  16. "When an opponent declares, 'I will not come over to your side,' I calmly say, 'Your child belongs to us already. . . . What are you? You will pass on. Your descendants, however, now stand in the new camp. In a short time, they will know nothing else but this new community.'"

    --Adolf Hitler

    Its here right now..you can thank our media,hollywood, public schools and colleges

  17. James, Well we attended the Trump rally and twice were confronted by the so called peaceful protesters. One young guy got within a foot of my husband's face and called him a f****** retard. Then as we were walking to our car a group of them about 3 or 4 came up to us and sort of surrounded us getting close enough to brush up against up then quickly walked off. At least one person was arrested. Always without fail these anti Trump things get violent by the "protesters." That is the problem. The anti Trump people have violent natures. They are the dangerous people. To participate means you condone violence. It doesn't matter what YOU were handing out and how nice you are James but your very presence means you approve of the violence. You can try and spin it anyway you want but the facts speak for themselves. Don't plan and participate in these things because history has proven they turn violent and destructive and that means it does not bother you.

  18. James, you and your like-minded people had 8 years to make the world a better place. It's not. Holding hands, singing kumbaya didn't fix anything; just made it worse. Why? Because some people are not like us. They want to kill you, me and anyone who doesn't think like we do. You can put on your pussy-hat, use the ladies room, or whatever floats your boat. Protest til your balls fall off-it's not going to change a thing. Trump WON FOR A REASON. Because our country is sick and tired of appeasing minority groups who are trying to ruin our country.
    We are going to TAKE OUR COUNTRY BACK BY MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. You can either get on the train or stay quietly at the station. It's our turn! You had yours!

  19. for anybody interested there will be a Resist the Resistance rally the same day as this nut wing rally....there is a event listed on FB, look for it,....spread the word so that those that want to attend can...this will be a peaceful rally....rally up your friends and all show up....be there.

  20. If you support President Trump and his efforts to Make America Safe Again, we need your participation. The anti-Trump movement intends to rear its ugly head in the heart of our conservative community. An anti-Trump rally is scheduled and we intend to meet it head on. They claim it to be a peaceful rally intending to protest the travel ban and President Trump's plan to build a wall to secure our nation. If you SUPPORT the travel ban and the WALL please consider joining our PEACEFUL response to their rally.

    Conservatives need to stand up for their beliefs. Don’t be complacent and simply expect these dissenters to simply go away. They need to see our presence and hear our voice. We won on November 8th and apparently we must continue the battle. Let's show our unwavering support for President Trump and our commitment to Making America Great Again! Be at this rally on the 18th...


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