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Monday, February 13, 2017

Massive Mexican Border Tunnel Found During DHS Kelly Inspection

Department of Homeland Security head, John Kelly, arrived at the U.S.-Mexico border on Friday just in time to not only inspect the wall but to get a firsthand look at a tunnel about to go under it.

Secretary Kelly was at the southern border of Arizona and California to visit one of the more complete and heavily protected areas of the present wall, after having toured the Texas border wall last week.

Mexican state police, acting on an anonymous tip that a tunnel was being built, arrived in the town of Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz, Tijuana, Mexico, and went to a parking lot where they found a suspicious-looking man apparently guarding the entrance to the lot.

The man ran when the police arrived and he was captured and arrested. The Mexican police found the newly constructed tunnel in that parking lot with a vertical entrance leading down.



  1. Off topic but get this i went to the funeral of the delaware correction officer on saturday for the 1st officer killed on duty guess who was a Delaware NO SHOW ......Vp Biden what a pos.

  2. If you travel a little further up into central California, they found another massive tunnel - right between Pelosi's ears.

  3. Now, if they can detect oil 3000 feet below the surface using sonar and seismology, why can't they detect tunnels 50 feet below the surface?

  4. If you think about it and take hate out of it, Mexico has some damn good mechanical and structural engineers!!!


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