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Monday, February 13, 2017

Democratic Obstruction on Trump Cabinet Reaches Historic Levels

Not since President George Washington's initial formation of a cabinet in 1789 has an American president's cabinet picks been approved as slowly as the Senate is approving President Donald Trump's nominees.

Trump has now been president for a full three weeks, and the number of approved members in his cabinet stands at seven—a number that was boosted by three contested confirmations last week that were opposed by almost the entire Democratic caucus.

Senate Democrats, vowing to use "everything" they can to stop Trump's nominees, have used procedural tricks like boycotting committee meetings to slow the confirmation process to a historically slow pace.

Recent administrations have had many more nominees approved at the three-week mark. Barack Obama had 12 out of 15 nominees approved, George W. Bush had his entire cabinet approved, and Bill Clinton had all but one approved in less than a day.

For most of history, approving cabinet nominees has been a non-issue. Presidents John Kennedy, Richard Nixon, and Jimmy Carter had their entire cabinet approved in the first days of their presidency—a brisk pace that has been the norm for most of U.S. history.

Senate Democrats, however, continue to delay the inevitable.



  1. Anything to hinder American progress.

  2. THE ONLY REASON PAST CABINETS were PICKed QUICKly is because they did not work for us. THEY WERE GLOBLIST PLANTS

  3. Mike Flynn going bye-bye for lying.

  4. When democrats lose it's like a 4 year old tantrum. They are immature little snot nose bubble blowing cry babies. Molly, Jim, Jake, Jamie, the criminal Ron Pagano and the rest. Sniveling snot faces criers.


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