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Monday, February 20, 2017

Massive Gathering for Trump Rally in Florida

According to Twitter uses on the scene, attendees waiting to hear President Donald Trump speak at the Orlando-Melbourne International Airport hangar waited several hours to get in and the line reportedly stretched at least one mile past the gate.

One Twitter user posted a video of the crowd streaming in, saying that “the media will never show you this.”

More with video here


  1. A very pretty sight.

  2. Looks like a ton of people there. A lot more drawn to the President than the anti-movement people. The anti-Trumpers and liberals should get with the program like we did 8 years ago with Barack Insane Obama. We shut up and put up with all the marxist BS and now it's their turn to do same.

    1. "We shut up and put up with all the Marxist BS" you must be joking. If we shut up what were the 1,000,000 comments on this blog about for the last 8 years, the Kardashians?

  3. This is how you do it.

  4. Resonating with real Americans.

  5. 10:26 but not doing a damn thing except saying how great everything is while not being able to fill positions or stop the muslims. Been saying for 2 weeks he's going to sign a new EO. Well? Where is it?


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