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Monday, February 20, 2017

After 8 Years of Campaigner-in-Chief Obama, NPR Accuses Trump of ‘Permanent Campaign’

After eight years of Barack Obama putting his office into permanent campaign mode while keeping his campaign machinery in constant operation, NPR is accusing Donald J. Trump of waging a “permanent campaign.”

In a February 17 article, NPR’s Ron Elving claimed that the American people are tired of presidential campaigns that last too long, but “Now, they are confronted with one that refuses to end — even after reaching the White House.”

Elving’s attack on Trump came in response to the President’s often combative February 15 press conference that the NPR Washington correspondent described with a simple “Wow.”

After noting the criticism of the presser published by various news outlets, Elving then complained that Trump used “I” or “me” or “the royal we” too often during his presentation.

More here


  1. Boy, they're really grasping at straws, aren't they?

    It will be pretty to see their federal funding evaporate.

  2. Trump is reimbursing the Government for the expense from my understanding. Obama did not and made the tax payer pay for all his trips. BIG BIG difference. Just another example of the biased from so called news networks.

  3. To Obama and other Leftists, it's called basic communication with real Americans and it's why he won the election in the first place.

  4. I prefer a president that talks to me rather than down to me as did Trump's predecessor. Thank you, Mr. President.


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