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Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Maryland: General Assembly Schedules Annual Gun Day – Numerous Firearm Bills to be Heard

March just got a lot busier as the Maryland House and Senate committees are scheduling their respective “Gun Days.”  The Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee has scheduled its “Gun Day” for March 8, while the House Judiciary Committee has scheduled it for March 14.  A non-exhaustive list of the bills to be heard in those committees and on what days is below:
March 1 – Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee
Senate Bill 946, an anti-gun bill sponsored by Senator Smith, creates a federally prohibitive criminal penalty for the possession of a firearm on a college campus in Maryland.  This is the same bill as HB 159 which passed the House last week.  Those with wear and carry permits do not present a threat to public safety, as they are one of the most law-abiding segments of the population.  Current law already allows each university to set its own policy regarding the carrying or possession of firearms.  This legislation is a blanket prohibition that disallows schools from using discretion on their campus.
March 2 – House Judiciary Committee
House Bill 294, an anti-gun bill sponsored by Delegate Dumais, would prohibit from firearms ownership those persons with a probation before judgement in a domestically related 2nd degree assault.  In Maryland, 2nd degree assault does not require injury, only unwanted physical contact.  A probation before judgement is a legal option used by the Courts to allow an individual to maintain a period of good behavior in exchange for a future lack of criminal record.  They should not be treated as convictions.  Domestic Abusers should be convicted of their crimes, and persons without criminal records should not lose Constitutional rights.
March 8 – Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee – GUN DAY
Anti-Gun Bills


  1. Well, no Pro-gun bills except one... Everything else is trying to take away guns in a sense...

  2. Vladimir Putin has said that he would feel right at home living in Maryland.

  3. your seriously mistaken...there has NEVER been a pro-gun bill from this legislature.

  4. What say you Hogan?

  5. Hogan don't care. He's an anti-trumper

    Only one term for him hopefully.


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