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Wednesday, February 15, 2017

LISTEN: Russian comedian prank calls Maxine Waters — poses as Ukraine PM

A Russian comedian has posted a phone conversation on his Facebook page he claims is with California Congresswoman Maxine Waters in which he poses as the prime minister of Ukraine.

And Waters falls for it — hard.

“I was surprised to hear that you called me,” Waters tells a man known as Vovan, “but I’m delighted to talk with you.”

The comedian, posing as Ukrainian Prime Minister Volodymyr Groysman, and Waters discussed U.S. sanctions on Russia and Donald Trump’s position on them.

He went on to tell Waters that he has “good relations with Ms. Clinton.”

“She doing fine,” Waters responded. “She has come out some. I think she did one or two speeches and she’s been tweeting a bit on her telephone.

“So she’s coming back, she’s going to be alright.”

Waters seemed to be confused repeatedly by geographical locations, including when the comedian informed Waters that Russians hackers affected elections in the African province of Limpopo.

Here's the video..


  1. There's a sucker born every minute. Maxine has evidently been reborn several times.

  2. Drug tests for politicians.

  3. send this to trump WHY is Rep Maxine Waters talking to the Russians ??

  4. drug tests? how about IQ evaluations and psychological examinations ?

  5. How could you be so dumb

  6. She ought to lose her next election. Anyone who falls for a prank call that dumb shouldn't hold office.

  7. Why on earth would she think the Prime Minister of Ukraine would call her? Folks, stupid is as stupid does. But really, not fair to mess with the mentally challenged.


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