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Sunday, February 05, 2017

Man Shot In Salisbury Last Night 1-29-17

Sources have informed us that a man was shot in the head last night around the Isabella Street area. I've been holding off on this story in the hopes the SPD would say something about it. No such luck. Now that this is up we should see a press release fairly soon. As for the man's condition, we're told it's not good. 


  1. Once again failure internally and externally with this Chief. Wake up Jake. You promised to do something. When?

    1. Yeah..all of this started when mayor day took office right idiot? This is the result of years of neglect under the rainbow regime.

    2. He continued it fool.

  2. da bury run by Mayor day.

  3. Jake how is top 100 communities working out

  4. spd chief duncan was this written up as a minor assault by a bullet gone astray ?

  5. The police don't release right away for ppl's safety. Fear of retaliation...if gang related, they may come to finish the job. "Da bury" has been a hot mess for years now, can't be fixed overnight. I'm all for it being fixed myself. I just don't know how. Suggestions?

  6. Start throwing law breaker in jail!! If anyone gets anything from the government they must be drug tested!!! If they fail that's there tuff luck.!!! Make them have to work and if they don't then no benefits!! It's time for these moochers to grow up!!!!

  7. We need conceal carry now.

  8. Restructure SPD. The chief and top staff have got to go. The mass exiting of officers and the lack of leadership and head hunting has to stop. Then again, Jake said crime is down and salisbury great place to live thanks to Barbs. Just imagine how great this city would be if we had a strong and healthy Police Department. Doesn't he see this. Wow

  9. 1113 maybe it's because he doesn't care. swear the only thing that happens in this town is networking, palm-pressing and ass-kissing. we wonder why nothing gets done and our crime rate in reality is skyrocketing.

  10. Man struck with led object. All is well go back to sleep. Now in all honesty I pray the victim is ok.

    1. He's not and I doubt the SPD will even try to do a thorough investigation smh

  11. 10:37 Yep, throw them off benefits. That will lower the crime rate. No food makes people desperate and they will rob, steal and kill to eat.

    1. You just throw them in jail. I am tired of my tax dollars being miss used!!!

  12. 10:25 AM my my what a stupid comment.

    Keeping secrets for the public's safety?
    Yea there is a criminal running around the neighborhood but lets not tell anyone about it, how is that protecting me?

    Fear of gang retaliation?
    The gang already knows about it idiot. I can guarantee you that fact.

  13. Everyone has a strong opinion as long as they are anonymous! *rolls eyes*


  14. Jake couldn't figure out how to make a photo-op of the shooting so it's not newsworthy.

    But WBOC will cover life in Montgomery County, and the really atrocious Bad Lip Syncing video. (Lip Sync idea has merit but all they dubbed in was gibberish; waste of electricity).

    2017 is off to a 'bury good start!

  15. And another stabbing too!

  16. It appears that "acute lead poisoning " is becoming a major health hazard.

  17. No reporting from WBOC or WMDT they choose not to investigate anything and pander to liberal officials wonder if there is money or donations involved?

  18. Shoot in Salisbury, never heard of such a thing in this little country town. Say it ain't sooo. My grandparents must be rolling over in disbelief and sadness.

  19. This Mayor needs to stay in the office and work on this problem instead of running around town looking for a camera to pose for. I bet he sleeps with that same look at me smile.

  20. Still not on the news yet 47 anyway

  21. The young man that was shot IS DEAD!!!!21 years old star basketball player loved by so many people and because of some bullcrap he is now gone. He wasn't a gangbanger he was a good man his name was Thomas Brown look him up 💪😠

  22. RIP Thomas Brown. Prayers for his family. Jake Day, Jim Ireton and Barrie Tilghman have led to despair and demise in Salisbury. No police chief or SPD stands a chance under their self-serving administrations. Photo ops have been more important to them than keeping us safe. I expect another of their chosen candidate in the next city election. They also control the council now. Salisbury, stand up and be counted. Stop choosing politically motivated leaders. We had our chance with Spies, Cohen and Campbell and squandered it.


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