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Monday, February 06, 2017

Hate Speech: Left Gives Platform to Reich’s False Claim

Newsweek has published a conspiracy theory written by UC Berkeley’s Professor of Public Policy and former Secretary of Labor, Robert Reich, questioning whether the anti-MILO rioters at Berkeley last week were paid by Breitbart News.

“Thursday night, Yiannopoulos had a friendly interview on Fox News’s ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight’ – a show that, according to the Washington Post, has ridden anger at left-wing activism into best-in-class prime time ratings,” wrote Reich on Saturday.

“Yiannopoulos wasn’t asked about the content of the speech that was shut down. The conversation focused instead on how Berkeley proved the point that the Left was ceding its right to federal grants by cracking down on free speech-- which raises the possibility that Yiannopoulos and Brietbart were in cahoots with the agitators, in order to lay the groundwork for a Trump crackdown on universities and their federal funding.”

After repeatedly misspelling “Breitbart,” Reich then asked his readers to “connect these dots,” in typical conspiracy theory form, before adding “I don’t want to add to the conspiratorial musings of so many about this very conspiratorial administration, but it strikes me there may be something worrying going on here.”

Reich, who works directly for the college administration at Berkeley, has repeatedly floated this conspiracy theory since the riot last week. He first suggested it in a CNN segment with host Don Lemon.

In addition to not shutting down Reich when he made his baseless allegation, CNN’s Lemon egged him on from the start,..

More here


  1. Oh Lord, the nuts are really coming out now!!

  2. Anyone care what the gnome thinks?

  3. Did anyone ask him why right wing radicals would riot when a right wing speaker was to arrive? I mean, wouldn't this be the captive audience, not the protesters? Do MSM idiots ever ask themselves the question before broadcasting their idiotic drivel?

    It's equal to NASA employees protesting a space flight. How believable is that?

    These people ate real nut cases!


  4. He's more stupid than he looks (and he looks extremely stupid IMO). So the rioters supported Milo's views? And the admin and cops stood by when by busting them they could shine a light on the connection? He's always been short of good ideas!

    Chances are there is surveillance video showing the rioters arriving and dispersing beforehand. Don't let the ex-head of Homeland Security who runs U of California in on that secret!

  5. This guy has the worst Napoleon complex I've ever witnessed. Boy, does he like to hear himself talk.
    Just another in a handful of Libs that always make me wonder why the rest of the country doesn't see just a little bit of crazy in the person.


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