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Friday, February 10, 2017

Chelsea Clinton’s hubby flubs badly – out of a job

$25 million hedge fund loses 90% of value in bad bet on Greece

Hillary Clinton isn’t the only one in the Clinton clan who has recently lost a job.

Son-in-law Marc Mezvinsky is hitting the bricks following the monumental failure of his hedge-fund company, Eaglevale Partners.

The fund was quietly closed down in December, and now Mezvinsky and his partners are busy returning what money remains to investors. The group raised $25 million, reports Britain’s Daily Mail and Bloomberg News, but the fund lost 90 percent of its value investing in bank stocks and debt from Greece.

Eaglevale clients were given a glowing report of the company’s Helenic Opportunity Fund in 2014, with Mezvinsky predicting Greece would soon be exiting its crisis on the way to “sustainable recovery.” But, by year’s end, it was apparent the Greek economy was set to crumble without a massive bailout from the Eurozone.

While the Clinton connection failed to save Eaglevale, it may have helped entice some of its biggest investors to bet on Greece. Among the big Wall Street names presumably losing significant money with Mezvinsky are Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd C. Blankfein and Marc Lasry, co-founder of $13 billion hedge fund Avenue Capital, where Chelsea Clinton worked after graduating from Stanford.



  1. It's okay. Clintons live the high life even when they're broke and out of work.

  2. Darwin had something to say about the flaws of incestuous arrogance

  3. The clintons make me want to puke.

  4. Mom Clinton wasn't prez...so Greece couldn't get a bailout from the usa..I'm sure he thought she would bail him out and he wouldn't have to close the company.

  5. There's always a place for him in the Clinton Foundation.

  6. LOL! Couldn't happen to more deserving folks!

  7. Like father, like son!

  8. Another scam linked to the Clintons.

  9. This is why Hillary "HAD TO WIN". Chelsea lives next door to mom in a house in a neighborhood only the Clintons could afford. No wonder there was panic when she lost she lost her influence to cover up this crap.

  10. they should make a new movie: House of Cards- Part II

  11. It makes you wonder what she would have done in office to make those bets pay off, if the election went her way.


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