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Friday, February 10, 2017

18-year-old's fatal shooting by Baltimore police becomes flash point in debate over repeat offenders

For the third time in a month, 18-year-old Curtis Deal had been arrested on gun or drug charges. Judge Nicole Taylor wanted to be sure the young man understood what was expected if she released him to wait for trial.

"You're not going out at night, you're not going to get food, you're not going to meet your girlfriend. You're in your house," Taylor told him at Monday's bail review hearing, raising her voice.

"I'm giving you an opportunity to go to school and not be in jail pending this trial. The curfew is 1 p.m., 7 days a week."

Deal said he understood. Taylor wished him luck.

Continue this story HERE

Related Story:  Baltimore police ID man fatally shot by detective, release footage of chase


  1. Great job officer one less thug.

  2. Maybe what they need is to seize the bail if the defendant is hauled in on the same charge before the trial.

  3. After reading the entire article the only purpose of it would be to show how utterly flawed and incompetent that justice system is. It should be an entire lesson for a law school class of what NOT to do! Thank god the detective didn't get shot by this scumbag.

  4. 3 arrests for drugs and guns in a month and he was out?

    wtf is the court system doing?

  5. A mistake on the part of the judge who let him back on the street with only a promise to behave.

  6. After a few people lost $100,000 in bail they'd be hesitant to post bail for someone they KNOW won't stay out of trouble.

  7. What a genius this judge is. Doing the same thing over and over with the same results. She must be black. Just like the way blacks vote over and over for democrats then cry the country's never been great for them but keep voting for democrats.

  8. In a FLASH..he was gone!


  9. Awesome work there Officer. You deserve a medal for your bravery and one for getting that thug off the street. Shame on that judge for letting that cop killer out of jail. We could have been going to another cops funeral if he wasn't good at his job. Kudos to you Sir!!

  10. Deal was dealt a lot of good hands. Guess his luck just ran out, huh judge.

  11. Officer was just 1/2 second or less from being shot. Thank God your training saved your life from this thug. God has once again prevailed, but the judge who put this threat back on the street needs the same ending. There is no excuse that this guy should have been a free walker, except the overpopulation of the jail. There's a solution for that as well, but it was voted down. Better to see death by criminal everywhere than death OF criminals in the "room".

    I think the death penalty is more merciful to the community than not having it.

  12. Judge Nicole Taylor, this boy's blood is on YOUR hands. Black Lives Matter members should be protesting against you this weekend.

  13. Mistake? It's criminal.

  14. Deal's blood is on the hands of Judge Nicole Taylor. She should be thrown off the bench and disbarred.


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