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Monday, February 13, 2017

Chelsea Clinton Outraged Republicans See ISIS as Greater Threat Than White Terrorists

Chelsea Clinton took to Twitter on Tuesday to express her outrage at a CNN interview with Rep. Sean Duffy (R., Wis.), who said terror attacks carried out by the Islamic State pose more of a threat than those conducted by white terrorists.

Clinton retweeted a post from Black Lives Matter activist DeRay Mckesson, who tweeted a video of the interview. Mckesson said that Duffy's answer arguing Islamic extremism is more of an issue than white terrorism "is exactly the problem."

But what about white terrorism, the CNN reporter asks this Congressman. & his response is exactly the problem.



  1. Please spare us you spawn of clintons. Your run for office is not a good thing. You smell like a clinton look like a clinton. So you must be a clinturd that no polish will cure

  2. All shes been told is lies so y not believe this one they take guns from people and think our police are gonna do something because its salisbury university gonna be more crime now that they know no1s armed

  3. Do we see that all of the liberal elites are walking lockstep to the Soros Doctrine, which is, if you don't like what the other side is saying or doing, change the narrative by deflection. It's the oldest trick in the book for liberals. I do not like this soup...yeah, but your hat is ugly. There's no connection, but it doesn't matter if you get people to look in another direction.

  4. Does anybody give a rats behind what Chelsea Clinton thinks! She is a nobody which the MSM is trying to make into a someone and the majority of Americans could care less about her.


  5. Webb Hubbell is so proud of her.

  6. Stop talking about your mother and father like that you spoiled brat.

  7. Chelsea said..."What, me worry?"

  8. Democrats have some serious mental health issues.

  9. Spoiled liberal snowflakes are the biggest threat to this nation and it's liberty! Maybe if they were forced out of their basements and made to do community service, they would be singing a different tune!


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