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Sunday, February 05, 2017

Boy Scouts will allow transgender children into programs

DALLAS -- The Boy Scouts of America announced Monday that it will allow transgender children who identify as boys to enroll in its boys only programs.

The organization said it had made the decision to begin basing enrollment in its boys-only programs on the gender a child or parent lists on the application to become a scout. The Boy Scouts had previously held a policy that relied on the gender listed on a child’s birth certificate for those programs.

The organization’s leadership had considered a recent case in Secaucus, New Jersey, where an 8-year-old transgender child had been asked to leave his Scout troop after parents and leaders found out he is transgender. But the statement issued Monday said the change was made because of the larger conversation about gender identity going on around the country.



  1. How disgusting and cowardly of the Boy scout org to allow.

  2. Sorry, if you have a penis, you go to boy scouts, and the vaginas go to girl scouts. If you have issues beyond that, join neither.

    How hard is that?

  3. will they sell Girl Scout cookies or pizza?

  4. I want to know when the parents are going to be charged with child abuse? They're not old enough to drink or make decisions on their own until 18 or 21, but they allow this? Where does a true hetrosexual go anymore? We are no longer allowed to Fellowship with other people of like Minds!

  5. The girl scouts have it also for years.

  6. What is Next ??? Anything goes now ...Not right !!

  7. Well 851, I can relate I am a lesbian trapped in a man's body.

  8. SICK is this country for allowing such things !!!

    Guess they don't care how kids grow up .....

  9. Can't think any church is going to go along with this, scout meetings are in a lot of churches.

  10. This will be the demise of the Boy Scouts as the NORMAL PEOPLE will prohibit their children from associating with the FREAKS.

    1. Its like Islam they want to destroy Everything American.

  11. Will there be a merit badge?

  12. Hey, folks. Ever heard of hermaphroditism? At 8 years old, do you really think it was a choice? Seriously? More than likely, the child was born with malformed genitalia and it's easier to take things off than add them. So, this young kid probably looks and acts like a boy. Why punish him any more than he already has, just because he doesn't fit the mold. I coached several Tom-boys in my day, and you knew that they were born in the wrong body. Sometimes, it's not a choice. You kind of feel sorry for them because you see their anguish.
    I really think that most homosexuals are born that way. I would never look at another guy and think he had a great ass or whatever. I wasn't born that way. But there are some guys that are and, same with girls. I get it, I understand it, and I accept it. But I hate the LGBTQ groups pushing their ideals on me, portraying it as normal. It's not. It may not always be wrong, but it's never normal if it's by choice. Not by God or by Darwin. We were designed to procreate. Any modification- that was not a birth defect or hormone imbalance- goes against nature.
    But, when a kid is struggling, give him a chance. What kind of Christians are you, anyway?

    1. Well said and remember God loves all his children.

  13. I dont get it Trannys want to be seperate so y cant they have there OWN orginization ? ohhhhh i know its just to PISS off us regular folk.

  14. Now the boy scouts will live up to their name and scout boys.

  15. People need to just stay away from this organization. I would not let my kids participant in this program now. I will not purchase their fundraising items any longer.

    11:11 - I get it and agree to a point. There are always exceptions. But or systems should not be based on the exceptions. Way too many are just nuts looking for attention. Some people are confused at times and need to work things out. We keep doing crap like this and it is too easy for people to go a direction that is not correct. I have known a lot of tom boys also. But when it was time to be woman they embraced that as well.

  16. BSA was pressured to make a decision, most didn't want to do this.


  17. Minority forces the majority ... typical libtard crap

  18. I'm an Eagle Scout. We had kids in the troop that we suspected were gay and they were never treated any differently. My sister was very jealous of my scouting experience but was eventually able to join "venture scouts" a BSA program open to boys and girls.
    Troops run by a church can still have a religious exemption from accepting sexually confused 8 year olds.


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