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Friday, February 03, 2017

Ben Cardin: Dems Need 'Adequate Time' to "Obstruct" Assess Gorsuch Nomination

Sen. Ben Cardin said Wednesday Democrats want "adequate time" to consider Supreme Court nominee Judge Neil Gorsuch – and are concerned about "a lot of cases" in which he's ruled "that give many of us heartburn."

In an interview on CNN's "Erin Burnett OutFront," the Maryland Democrat suggested a filibuster was always an option to block the confirmation of the conservative jurist.

"We're careful to make sure we have adequate time that, we can understand all of his judicial philosophy that, we can see whether, in fact, he is mainstream or not," he said.



  1. The Dems are simply stalling to make life difficult for the ruling Republicans. Gorsuch was unanimously appointed to his Appeals Court position. Now, the liberals have to carefully consider his "judicial philosophy"? Rubbish!

  2. Ben Cardin is another liberal POS that needs to go.

  3. Cardin is a Maryland marsh rat, causing devastating damage to our state and country


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