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Friday, January 13, 2017

Two LAPD officers who shot and killed a 16-year-old in Boyle Heights last year hadn't turned on their body cameras

Two Los Angeles police officers who shot and killed a 16-year-old last year in Boyle Heights didn’t turn on their body cameras until after the shooting, according to a report made public Wednesday.

Chief Charlie Beck said in his report to the Police Commission that the LAPD is investigating why one of the officers delayed turning on the department-issued camera until after Jose Mendez was shot. The officer, Beck wrote, had been trained to use the body camera five months earlier.

The second officer who fired his gun was working within a 90-day grace period the LAPD allows officers as they get used to the technology.

The shooting came more than a year after the city announced an ambitious plan to put body cameras on more than 7,000 LAPD officers. Supporters say the cameras can help provide transparency and accountability at a time when policing is under intense scrutiny, particularly shootings by officers.



  1. 500 people shot for the year. 51 percent white and 26 percent were black. Blm is a hoax. Law and order is coming back folks.

  2. So what. I guess these two cops said lets go out and shoot a kid. Idiots!!

  3. I'm sure if the situation was that bad, the first thing on their minds was not turning on the Damn cameras.


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