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Friday, January 13, 2017

In Praise of Tillerson, Trump's Secretary Of State Pick

The Financial Times reports Tillerson Gets Rough Ride from Russia Hawks on the Hill.

The rough ride was from Senator John McCain, Senator Marco Rubio, and Senator Lindsey Graham.

Rex Tillerson, Donald Trump’s pick for secretary of state, faced a tough grilling over his relationship with Russia and its president Vladimir Putin on Wednesday, while also stumbling on whether ExxonMobil had lobbied against Russian sanctions.

Mr Tillerson faced pointed questions from Marco Rubio, a Republican member of the Senate foreign relations committee, who several times said he found some of Mr Tillerson’s answers “troubling” and “discouraging”.

Leaving the committee hearing into Mr Tillerson’s nomination, Mr Rubio told reporters he was “prepared to do what is right” in regards to confirming or blocking Mr Tillerson’s appointment, leaving open the possibility that he could be leaning towards the latter.

In addition to Mr Rubio, two other Republican senators — John McCain and Lindsey Graham — have also stated that they have concerns about Mr Tillerson’s relationship with Mr Putin.



  1. From what I have observed, the three rough riders would not make a pimple on Mr. Tillerson's backside. Never heard of Tillerson before the last several weeks, but he has accomplished more in his career than the three losers combined. These idiots have a worthless job at the trough of tax payers and speak out on occasion to look like they are on the job.

    Off the topic, but it reminds me of Geraldo Rivera. This cat has nothing to offer but Fox gives him a spot everywhere to support his lifestyle. He just surfaced on Fox and Friends giving his opinion on nothing. I turned the sound off at that point.Each time he lumbers out they rave because he hasn't shaved. He first surfaced after Christmas break with gray stubs and after you could actually see the chin spinach, the gray had disappeared. Now I look up and they are showing him shave. I turned the set off completely then. They would show him masturbate if he wanted. Time for me to flush Comcast out of my residence.

  2. The man has experience,something politicians don't.

  3. 8:38...this is what makes FOX News fair and balanced. With the likes of Geraldo and Juan Williams they get the liberal perspective on topics and while I agree it is frustrating at times it makes for good debate. Other hard core liberals are Mary Ann Marsh on O'Reilly and Austen Goolsby who are both very learned people but again sometimes a bit hard to take.

  4. I can't wait for the war with China to start! Bring it on!

  5. 9:29
    I agree, didn't even think of the ones you mentioned. Jaun gets worse each appearance and the two you mentioned on O'Reilly, man.Guess I don't have the "temperament" that HRC claims to have. But to have that yo yo shave on camera is not much of a debate. Lol (8:38)

  6. They need to stop bringing out Carl rove too


  7. Remind me again about McCain and Graham. Which one is Edgar Bergen, and which one is Charlie McCarthy?


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