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Sunday, January 15, 2017

Trump's nemesis John McCain kicked off 'Kremlin memo' scandal by handing dossier to FBI

Sworn Donald Trump enemy John McCain admitted Wednesday that he passed the dossier of claims of a Russian blackmail plot against the president-elect - calling it 'what any citizen should do'.

McCain - a longstanding anti-Trump Republican who had disassociated himself from the candidate's campaign weeks before the election - cast himself as an innocent and concerned member of the public as he justified his move.

He claimed he had no idea whether it was accurate or not - but that he believed the FBI should have it because it was 'sensitive'.

'I did what any citizen should do. I received sensitive information and handed it to the FBI,' he told CNN - the network which broke the story that the document existed. It was then published in full by Buzzfeed.



  1. Senator McCain is an American hero. I respect and honor his service to our country. Unfortunately, he has lost perspective. He needs to retire with his dignity in tact.

    1. HE is close to being arrested for treason.

    2. Why is he a hero? I call bs on him being a hero. It's been is political platform. What is doing for the military combat operations coming back and can't get medical. He might be your hero but he's not mine.

  2. Just like Trump said, this guy is no Hero! This man needs to be censured and made to resign!

  3. Backsbabbing pos rino.

  4. I am beginning to questions McCains hero status. An American hero would not be acting like he is acting. He has been a thorn in the Republican Party for way too long. I would gain some respect if he would retire.

  5. I bet there are heroes living on the streets of America. This ole dude should have been in retirement many, many years ago. One problem is McCain raises his ugly head just when you have forgotten him. You know, we have them locally also. They think they have something to add that we need to hear.

  6. HE meets with soros last week he is not for jasta act he backstabbed trump with buzzfeed he needs to RETIRE.

  7. Hero???? WTF, he was captured, he didn't do like JFK and rescue his fellow men, he was a prisoner! He sat out the war. If being in a prison makes you a hero, than we have loads of them in our prison system. You people throw that hero name out there way to easy, firemen, cops, doctors are heroes, NOT prisoners!

  8. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Senator McCain is an American hero. I respect and honor his service to our country. Unfortunately, he has lost perspective. He needs to retire with his dignity in tact.

    January 12, 2017 at 7:08 PM

    No, he is not and never was. He was a songbird while in captivity. Now I don't fault anyone too much for doing whatever to stay alive or whatever. Who knows how anyone would act until they are in a certain situation. But to claim hero status while demonstrating less than hero attributes is wrong.

    1. you're welcome to your opinion as am I. As a combat vet of Gulf 1, I feel his service to our country earns him that distinction. However, he is way over the line now and needs to fade into the sunset.

  9. Hero Hell no back stabing Rino Hell ya. He and Lindsey Graham are 2 RINO of a kind. Cant stand eather.

  10. He has lost his way and needs to take up the rocking chair.

  11. Sure, that's what EVERY CITIZEN does.
    Immediately go to the FBI. He wishes....
    He's living in a world just moments away from a nursing home stint.


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