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Sunday, January 15, 2017

Perdue's Statement On Slow Growing Chickens

As part of our Animal Care Commitment, we are investigating the implications of breeding and growth rate in both breeders, the flocks that provide eggs to our hatcheries, and in broilers. As the National Chicken Council notes in its news release today, switching to slow-growth breeds has multiple implications for bird health and wellbeing, environmental impact, and meat quality as well as cost for producers and consumers, and more research is needed for better understanding.

We began 18 months ago exploring various ways to slow growth of existing breeds as well as utilizing heritage breeds to determine ways that have a meaningful, positive impact on the wellbeing of our chickens and that address consumer concerns about how their food is raised.

Learn more about the changes we’re making to improve the care of all our chickens.


  1. There is no shortage of slow on the east side of salisbury.

  2. Please don't slow down how fast they deep fry!!!! Get in my belly!!!!!!

  3. If they end up feeding them more over their lifespan, they'll cost more to produce. The farmers will lose as they'll have more crap to clean up and fewer flock rotations per year. We'll pay more for this brand and the farmers will get less.

  4. thank you for ALL you do. I believe MOST of Delmarva appreciates you.

  5. will someone please explain to me why we let a privately held company pollute our environment the way they do? so purdue can put millions in his pocket and our grand kids can only look at the bay but not go in it! nice propaganda piece but tell he how you are going to clean up the mess you've made?

  6. Chicken houses are hellholes, and the hapless chickens live short and miserable lives, nothing you do is going to change that. This is just another PR stunt.

  7. 7:21 who cares how a chicken lives....its whole purpose in life is to live about 4 weeks and end up in a frying pan!!! Never had a real bright future....

  8. 7:09 according to your tree hugger reports from Alliance Keepers the Bay is the healthiest it's been in a long time! Thousands swim in the bay every summer and I'm one....I'm still here over 60 years! You need to break free chicken little.

  9. lmao at 821 let me know the next time you go swimming in the wicomico! I want to come down and watch! you truly have no clue! typical mentality of the lower slower eastern shore! unsustainable production that results in more pollution all for the benefit of a few individuals, is a good thing, right?

  10. 8:12, You just cracked me up, because you're clueless.

    Some of you want to blame chicken houses for polluted water in Salisbury. Try again.

    It starts with the Salisbury Zoo and all the animals relieving themselves in the river. They put 400 pounds of duck chow in feeders on the river daily, which keeps the Canada Goose from migrating all year long.

    Then there's the constant overflow from the Waste Water Treatment Plant.

    You might have an argument elsewhere, (which I personally do not agree with) but NOT in Salisbury.

  11. Perdue doesn't have a breeding program anymore so this IS just PR.

  12. Poultry houses are not hell holes. I am a poultry farmer and chickens are raised in a humane environment that provides them ample food, water, and ideal temperatures with monitored air quality. Contrary to what we have been told, poultry manure application as fertilizer on the lower shore has not created the overabundance of phosphorous and nitrogen in our soils, it is there naturally. Poultry litter is nature's perfect organic fertilizer and just needs to be applied a few counties north were the soil composition can benefit from these rich ingredients.

  13. Retirees against any development will make sure the eastern shore stays an outhouse.

  14. Arn't the chickens agitated with the slow laying eggs.


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