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Friday, January 06, 2017

Trump: Mexico still paying for the wall

President-elect Trump tweeted Friday that the media was lying again about who would pay for the wall, after late Thursday reports said he was pushing Congress to pay for it.

Trump indicated that Congress may end up appropriating money to build the wall, but insisted that Mexico would ultimately pay the U.S. back. He said doing it this way would let the U.S. immediately start building the wall, instead of waiting for Mexico to pony up billions of dollars first.

"The dishonest media does not report that any money spent on building the Great Wall (for sake of speed), will be paid back by Mexico later!" he tweeted.



  1. I just LOVE how this man has bypassed the MSM and is using Twitter instead.

  2. I got a great idea, use illegal Mexicans to build the wall don't pay them .Then Mexico paid for the wall!

  3. The US gives over 400 million in "aid" to Mexico year. Trump will withhold the aid. Mexico pays for the wall.

  4. Your right on it 5.06 but all the libs are way to stupid to figure that one out.
    But then again none of them has ever run anything ever in their life so what more would anyone expect

  5. 5:06 is correct.
    The Lib media wants everyone to believe that Trump saying the Mexican government will be "paying for the wall" is the US sending them an invoice for the construction.
    In truth, there are MANY ways that they'll pay - and they will under Trump.
    I'm also pretty sure that we'll come out ahead on whatever deal is made!

  6. I really don't care who pays for it. Just build the damn thing. I bet it won't cost nearly as much as Obamas vacations.

  7. Can not wait for Jan. 20th.
    Oh yes, The Donald will

  8. Let me see if I have this right. Citizens of this nation work and pay mandatory taxes. Now our government has part of the money we worked for and gives 400 million of our earned funds to Mexico. Why is my (our)earned money going to a place I have never been and don't want to go? The same money I earned could enhance the way of life for my family. ??? I don't get it.

    Money saved that would be spent on non-citizens can be used to secure the boarder. Stop the good folks (illegal) at the boarder and turn them around.

  9. Stop all government assistance, that wall would be paid for in no time flat.

  10. 757, That's the money that will go to pay for the wall.

    How don't you get that?

  11. Mexico isn't going to write us a check but Mexico will pay by losing the billions of dollars illegal aliens send home, also American companies will not be investing as much there and we will save billions on all the free hand outs we give illegals plus when the illegals are gone Americans will be working and paying taxes.


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