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Sunday, January 15, 2017

The First Step In Raising $1.5 Million For Elks Lodge Renovations

This email is to formally invite you to join us for our upcoming Citizen of the Year event at Salisbury Elks #817 at 401 Churchill Ave., Salisbury, MD.

We will not only be honoring Salisbury Mayor Jake Day as our Citizen of the Year but will also be recognizing our members for their contributions to the Salisbury community and the Lodge.

The event will take place on Saturday, February 25 starting at 4 PM and should last about 90 minutes or less.

Before the event we will have a 30 minute meet and greet with refreshments and afterward the Lodge will have food and entertainment if you wish to stay.

The event is open to the public so please feel free to let others know they are welcome.

Best Wishes,

Rick D Konrad
Event Chairperson


  1. Naming Joke Day as Citizen of the year probably isn't helping your fund raising!

  2. Oh come on Day as citizen of the year! What's he done-"rebranded" the city? What a bunch of fools. What a bunch of morons. No wonder the building needs that much work. Inbred brainless fools are at the helm. There are many who are out their volunteering and doing other great and wonderful things and they choose a politician. If they had functioning brains the would be ashamed.

  3. Jake Day. How special. No thanks!

  4. Jake Day person of the year? Count me out of this one.

  5. It's what most organization do....fund raisers, turkey shoots and raffles...etc. Hope they get the support!

  6. Honoring Pt Mayor day ? aka giving away wicomico tax payer $$$$$$$$$$$$$$.

  7. Mayor gets the BIGGEST AWARD for doing what his buddy Ireton allowed pennies on the dollar for tax payers property.

  8. Please tell me what he has done except run around town to find a camera to stand in front of and grin. Never have I seen anyone in love with getting his picture taken like him.

  9. I would have donated to the elks but I just sent a check to the Clinton foundation and the rainbow coalition. I'm tapped out until all my checks come in on the first of the month.

  10. most of the elk contributions to the community come in the form of fines from all of their dwi arrests

  11. I definitely would not be driving by the elks on that Saturday night

  12. the citizen of the year award at the elks is usually given to the member who played the most slots or drank the most vodka, jake day should feel very honored

  13. I just got that email from Konrad or what ever his name is. I can assure you I won't be going to "honor" that Homo Jake Day. Jake Day is a Democrat and hasn't done anything worth being honored for!!

    F* Jake Day and F* the Elks Club for letting Konrad pick who ever he wants to be his "citizen of the year" or what ever they call it.

  14. Anonymous said...
    Oh come on Day as citizen of the year! What's he done-"rebranded" the city? What a bunch of fools. What a bunch of morons. No wonder the building needs that much work. Inbred brainless fools are at the helm. There are many who are out their volunteering and doing other great and wonderful things and they choose a politician. If they had functioning brains the would be ashamed.

    January 10, 2017 at 1:07 PM

    I am a member of the Elks Lodge and I can assure you that Rick Konrad picks these people himself and the Elks could care less.

    1. So whats the kick back from good ole boy day ?

  15. Didn't Rick Konrad used to work for Wicomico County? What happened to that job?

  16. Anonymous said...
    Oh come on Day as citizen of the year! What's he done-"rebranded" the city? What a bunch of fools. What a bunch of morons. No wonder the building needs that much work. Inbred brainless fools are at the helm. There are many who are out their volunteering and doing other great and wonderful things and they choose a politician. If they had functioning brains the would be ashamed.

    January 10, 2017 at 1:07 PM

    A couple of years ago Rick Konrad picked Matt Maciarello as his Citizen of the Year. I was wondering then what the Hell did Matt do to get picked then?? Same qualifications as Jake Day. Ricky Konrad thinks they are cutie pies.

  17. Does anyone even know if Jake Day is even a member of the Elks Club?

  18. Anonymous said...
    Pt1x Mare Day?

    January 10, 2017 at 3:27 PM

    What is Pt1x ??

    1. Part time one time then trpunce him!

  19. Maybe SU will buy it. Their foundation seems to have more money than another other Salisbury entity. Bought Dresser, the Ward Wildfowl Museum, Court Plaza and the motel and dress shop building next door.

  20. From a previous story.

    Anonymous said...
    The problem with Rick Konrad that he's not as important as he believes he is or as smart. His first love is the Elks. Just ask his ex-fiance.

    April 30, 2012 at 4:46 PM

  21. Monday, April 30, 2012

    Rick Konrad To Join Wicomico County As Head Of Purchasing

    As my two weeks closed out at my new position I decided that it was not a good fit for me and an opportunity presented itself to return to Wicomico County as the Head of Purchasing. I have seven years in with the County already (2003-2010) and will be “coming home” to work with my former colleagues and friends.Although I am sorry my opportunity in Delaware did not work out, I now get to remain i...n Salisbury, Maryland (my adopted home) and a place that I love to live, and be part of the solution to the County’s current difficult circumstances.Life takes some odd turns sometimes and I may never have had the chance to return to the organization I love unless I made the move to Delaware. This is truly a case in which in the end fate has had a hand and in which I have followed my heart. There will be some bad press over this but I know that in the end one has to take the path that God leads them on and look out for their family and themselves first and foremost. Worrying about what some writer or blogger says means very little to me and I am ever thankful to my family and friends for their support and love.
    at 4/30/2012 09:45:00 AM


  22. Wednesday, March 14, 2012
    City Of Fruitland City Manager Resigns

    Rick Konrad resigned from the City Manager position, for the City of Fruitland. He is going to be the Manager for the Town of Ocean View DE.

    Salisbury News has learned most people who work for the City are ecstatic.
    at 3/14/2012 09:42:00 AM

  23. Anonymous said...
    Maybe SU will buy it. Their foundation seems to have more money than another other Salisbury entity. Bought Dresser, the Ward Wildfowl Museum, Court Plaza and the motel and dress shop building next door.

    January 10, 2017 at 5:23 PM

    There is nothing wrong with the Elks Club. It needs to stay an Elks Club and get rid of drunks like Rick Konrad.

  24. Anonymous said...
    I just got that email from Konrad or what ever his name is. I can assure you I won't be going to "honor" that Homo Jake Day. Jake Day is a Democrat and hasn't done anything worth being honored for!!

    F* Jake Day and F* the Elks Club for letting Konrad pick who ever he wants to be his "citizen of the year" or what ever they call it.

    January 10, 2017 at 5:09 PM


  25. Anonymous said...
    Please tell me what he has done except run around town to find a camera to stand in front of and grin. Never have I seen anyone in love with getting his picture taken like him.

    January 10, 2017 at 4:25 PM


  26. Anonymous said...
    the citizen of the year award at the elks is usually given to the member who played the most slots or drank the most vodka, jake day should feel very honored

    January 10, 2017 at 4:47 PM

    Is Jake Day a member?

  27. Anonymous said...
    Mayor gets the BIGGEST AWARD for doing what his buddy Ireton allowed pennies on the dollar for tax payers property.

    January 10, 2017 at 3:59 PM

    WTH are you talking about?

  28. I think that he is just a puppet of Palmer and Bradley who he sucks up too. He gives them everything he can and kiss's their self centtered crooked buts. Don't trust any of them. Trust me I am by far not the only one that feels this way.

  29. I say before the bar opens at 11 am at the elks, there should be a group AA meeting. after that, we get some vodka and head to the slot room

  30. I have a lot of faith in Trump, but how can he scratch the surface with clowns like these running other departments, organizations, cities, etc.?

  31. no contributions from me...what a joke

  32. WOE....Elks Club didn't suck up to someone and their mad!!!! Ha Ha Ha Must of denied a membership.

  33. I am SOOOO NOT there!

  34. the elks have never denied a membership to anyone, if you look at MD Courts.gov and pull up some of their members names that would be proof enough. bankruptcies, divorces, dwi's, theft, and the list goes on and on. donate to em all you want, not me. right now I won't name names. getting scared trustees?


  35. Will Ernie be there, too? Perhaps Elks can give Ernie a Peace Prize. That way both Bert & Ernie will have a trophy!

  36. I just want to give all my extra money to them since it's for Jake Day, cough, cough. (vomit here)

  37. Part time one time Mare!

  38. the elks club certainly isn't anything close to a family oriented organization. it's a low class bar for low class people. throw in slot machines and bar bingo and it's party time.

  39. couldn't the time and money spent honoring fake day be put to fixing your facility? oh no that makes to much sense. must be all democrats!

  40. I'll drink to that!!

  41. current score of dwi's

    elk members = 817

    moose members = 654

    eagle members = 34

    Wicomico county employees = 816

  42. Anonymous said...
    couldn't the time and money spent honoring fake day be put to fixing your facility? oh no that makes to much sense. must be all democrats!

    January 11, 2017 at 8:50 AM

    Absolutely. If they think this will bring new members they lost their minds. As a matter of fact it will lose members because I will not be renewing my membership because of this.

  43. If people want to drink that's none of your business, Don't be mad cause you are home alone on a Sat nite.

  44. I think it would be a better idea to be home with my family than hanging out with a bunch of losers and then running up and down the road drunk.

  45. the elks had better call pres Osama fast!!!

  46. Is the mayor aware that no one is allowed into the water buffaloes, I mean elks, unless they can blow at least a .15. If you want to be king of the water buffaloes, I mean elks, it would help if you have several divorces, an extensive police record and at least 1 bankruptcy. If you can pass these pre reqs you can sit on the thrown throughout all meetings. And say hi to fred and barney for me.

  47. 10:16 AM: So, tell us what you do that makes you feel you are more worthy than an Elk.

  48. Why is the Elks' Lodge looking for a bailout? Maybe they should up their fees to compensate for their spending or cut some of their spending practices to a more manageable level. Surely they should be able to live within their means. Looking for a bailout is no longer to cool thing to do. Silliness.

  49. were charges ever brought against the lodge mgr and his accountant son

  50. Convert it into a business and get the business development office to help get a loan.

  51. SHOULDNT the grandparents ask there Snowflakes grandkids to volunteer to work on the building or is it too much to ask a snowflake to get out if mommys basement ?.

  52. The members don't want it to be converted to a business because we might lose our seating assignment at the bar and they might take away our slots. So just send us some money.

  53. Do you want to know why they want and extensive overhaul?

    Because they allowed women to join. That Dumba$$ Beth Reid wants to add a female touch to the place so it doesn't have a man cave feel. Just send that Homewrecker packing please and I might come back.

  54. A female touch isn't possible for that old dump until you clean up all the urine in the place, I went in there 1 time and will never go back. Mr meticulous doesn't have enough crews to clean up that rat hole. The health dept should do more inspections - I couldn't imagine eating anything from there. This place needs to be condemned.

  55. is that supposed to be a golf course green across from the zoo?

  56. A lot of property there that could be sold for development then rent a place downtown for the lodge.

  57. maybe they could just hang out under the overhead bridge with the rest of the broke drunks

  58. Donate or not, it's your choice. There are too many FAKE charities asking for a handout, just watch TV FOR 5 minutes. At least this one is local and real. Maybe you would prefer to donate to a GOFUNDME scam.

  59. I would rather donate to the jesse jackson rainbow coalition than the elks fund

  60. unless jake day has a serious drinking problem, he will not feel comfortable at the 817


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