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Wednesday, January 18, 2017

The Eastern Shore's Arch Enemy steps down from Chairman of House Ways & Means

Hixson steps down from Maryland House leadership post, causing shuffle

A veteran state lawmaker has stepped down from a key Democratic leadership position, causing a shuffle in the House of Delegates.

Del. Sheila Hixson announced Tuesday that she's giving up her position as chairwoman of the House Ways and Means Committee.

Del. Anne Kaiser, also a Montgomery County Democrat, will take over as chairwoman. Del. William Frick, another Montgomery County Democrat, will replace Kaiser as majority leader.

Hixson, a Montgomery County Democrat, will assume the title of "chairman emeritus." She had chaired the committee — which reviews legislation on education, elections, gambling, taxes and more — since 1993.



  1. Finally there will be peace!!

    Could not have happened at a better timeframe of real change either.

  2. She is so out-of-touch. Pro leaning LGBT, left wing point of views, no wonder Maryland has so many inner city problems. She and Madelino are the problem.

  3. Need blood from another county though. Montgomery only county in MD? They already get too much of the tax pie!!

  4. For crying out loud, did you see her age - 83? She is another one of those career politicians that is actually going to die in office.

    Drain the swamp!

  5. thank GOD she's 83 or she might be gunning for Ben's "seat"? I have suffered through her "hearings" and she is an arrogant witch!

  6. 2:36 - I agree. She leans so 'left' that one has to wonder how bad Montgomery district really is. In fact, the majority of Maryland's Democratic controlled legislature is a disgrace to the human race.


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