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Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Ben Carson, [Gay] people dont get extra rights


  1. He had better remember that when he takes over his new job.Brilliance tends to fall by the wayside pursuant to nominations.People do everything but pound their chests and yell like Tarzan before they're elected or nominated.It's the after campaign or nomination results that matter.Ben Carson will begin taking serious heat from minorities within his first month on the job.After the first 6 months Steve Harvey will be AWOL.

  2. Nobody should get 'extra' rights....

    What you give to one, you have to take away from another!

    Your 'right' to be served removes my 'right' to not associate...

  3. I don't understand what he's implying. Gays don't want special rights, they want equal rights. What is he even talking about?

    1. you are wrong they are just like blm is all about them

  4. @1:09

    I'm willing to change my mind, please, tell me how I'm wrong?

    1. they want more than just being equal they think they are special just because they came out of the closet dont take any rights away from me to make them better than anyone else

  5. No one should get "extra" rights, it should be equal rights, which everyone already has, but some are not satisfied with that.

  6. What "special" rights are they asking for? I don't understand? Can someone please be specific?


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