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Sunday, January 29, 2017

Spicer Calls On A Conservative Outlet First And Pisses Off Reporters Yet Again

Sean Spicer pissed off journalists and liberals yet again Tuesday by calling on a conservative outlet first at his press briefing. On Monday, the press corps was up in arms after Spicer called on the New York Post.

But the response was much more heated Tuesday after Spicer called on Laura Ingraham’s LifeZette.



  1. Spicer is quickly becoming Baghdad Sean for the Liar in Chief.

  2. It's about time alternative news sources and bloggers get access to report what is really going on and putting the usual MSM's to the grill!

  3. This is so awesome and it really is funny. It seems like ever since Friday everyday is a win win win. So this is what President Trump was talking about at his rallies? Not tired of winning yet. And oh yeah - a big 'F You' Lame Stream Media! Karma coming at you...

  4. The media is on trial.

  5. 5:16 - No sir, the liar and chief just left office. But you would need to be able to think for yourself to see the truth.


  6. Baghdad comenter: How often did your hero Obama see fit to appear on Fox during his run for office and residence in the peoples house? Guess his MSM acolytes could take their cameras outside his rented 9 bedroom mansion to rekindle their glow. They wouldn't be missed.

    Hope the new Press Secretary will find a safe space for them and provide counselors near the briefing room!

  7. If the Alternative Facts the WH is using is coming from Alternative News sources, they deserve to be drummed out

  8. The shoe sure hurts when it's on the other foot,huh? Heres a message for the libs. Stick a sock in it.

  9. I wish the lot of them would take a deep breath and wait and see what Trump does. He's being condemned for things that haven't even occurred yet. If you wanna be a debbie downer, that's fine. Just have some substance to it.

  10. I never used to watch WH press briefings, but now I look forward to them. Thank you Trump and Spicer.

  11. i'm with 929, the fun has begun

  12. It seems to me they are calling on the ones that report the real news. And if you are main stream media reporting fake news well you just have to wait till we get to you. It seems fair to me and maybe would be an incentive to not report fake news about the President anymore.


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