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Friday, January 20, 2017

Shocking: Man Who Exposed Mainstream Fake News Found Dead In Germany

Udo Ulfkotte may not be a name that Americans are familiar with although his work is directly involved in a lot of what we are seeing now in the media. He was a German journalist and whistleblower who spoke out against fake news from government and intelligence sources. He died last week of a heart attack and for some, the timing is just far too convenient.

Ulfkotte had been a journalist for over 25 years. He lived in many Middle Eastern countries during his career, including Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, and Oman. He was the assistant editor for a German mainstream media newspaper. He was also the author of many books.

His main focuses were the refugee crisis in Europe, war propaganda, and fake news. As Ulfkotte became increasingly disturbed at news reports sourced from false government information, he began publishing a magazine called Whistleblower, which reports on topics not covered by the German media.

Ulfkotte is best known to international viewers from select appearances on Russia Today, specifically an October 2014 interview about his book Bought Journalists. The original interview was not seen by many but has since but published on You Tube and social media, spreading his message as the epidemic of fake news spreads.

In his book he discussed the propaganda in mainstream media news reports and the increased anti-Russia sentiment being generated. He also discussed the heavy influence on international news from American, Israeli and other Western intelligence agencies.


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