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Friday, January 20, 2017

A Country Divided

Two very different kind of leaders.

One leader, (right) gains popularity by giving things away while the other, (left) makes you earn it. 

Sure, Obama will leave office and many will cry. Heck, (honest to God) I've even received a message saying they want to slit their wrists. 

Obamacare, Obama Phones, Welfare, EBT food stamps, Affordable Housing, Unemployment, U.S. Debt, Illegals, Refugees, the list is not only disgusting, it's never been so bad.

Yesterday we were awakened by the criminals that have been pardoned by this President, enough to make us sick. The lack of accountability and abuse of power is astounding. 

Under Donald Trump things will change. If you actually think Obama is sticking around in D.C. for his Daughter, well, you ride the short bus. He's sticking around D.C. so he can disrupt Donald Trump. The Main Stream Media has NOT backed down and shown ANY respect that today Donald Trump will be our next President in just a few hours from now. We, as Americans, have never seen or experienced such disrespect. 

Rather then rioting and looting, conservatives will remain smart and simply cut off any and all businesses/media that support the liberal crybaby/snowflake agenda. You see, the difference between these two leaders is the fact that conservatives won't get aggressively angry, we'll get even. 

NO MORE FREE RIDES. Donald trump is going to get down to business today and quite frankly many are going to freak out. Too Bad! We need to get our country out of debt as quickly as possible. So Donald trump out of the gate is going to be hated by many. Leading means you aren't trying to make friends. You are trying to save our country.

Just like WE had to accept Obama, liberals need to accept Trump. The free cocaine ride is over. It's back to sobriety and yes, 9-5 jobs to survive. After all, this is what built America and throughout history we didn't get there for free. Just ask ANY Soldier.


  1. Trump supporters: decent, hard working Americans that want less government and more liberty.

    Obama/Clinton supporters: Lazy, entitled Americans that want more government and want that government to provide for them like an infant suckling a bottle.

    Guess where the milk comes from for that bottle? The hard working Americans.

    Enough of the entitled group. Send them go to Canada.

  2. I'm sure others have thought about what I'm about to say , that obama is as guilty has Hillary . He was her boss and had to be aware of her e-mails and crooked doings. I guess he will pardon himself or can he do that too? We know is is a socialist , that's just a modified name for Marxist or communist and dedicated racist His ties with the muslims and muslim brotherhood are obvious , having said that , he tried to overthrow(spelling?0 the government and failed but did a pretty good job of screwing it up. Good luck Trump , you have your work cut out.

  3. A bit off topic but speaking of obama's daughters something seems to be going on with one of them. She wasn't at the arrival of the Christmas tree. MO saying she was inside the white house 'sleeping.' It was afternoon. Then she wasn't at his farewell address the other night.

  4. Obama , the racist , he is responsible for the divide , he has promoted racial tension , he has promoted the undermine of law and law enforcement. He has condoned the killing of officers and protected muslims who have killed Americans . Obama is a piece of stinking crap.

  5. Curtail the housing voucher program!
    No more additional money for additional kids on welfare!
    Food stamps should be like WIC - no lobster, crabs, steak, tobacco, or alcohol!
    Any of these programs that are not paid in to by the recipient require drug/alcohol/tobacco/bling testing!

    That'll start by saving a bunch of money right out of the gate!

  6. Like the fabled ant and grasshopper. Society has had an entitlement mindset for so long some don't know how to work or survive. The only lessons taught are how to manipulate or take, not how to succeed or gain. This is my gripe with the Obama era, he had the chance to really do something for the country. He could have healed and advanced the plight of the less fortunate. Instead, he left them in the lurch after 8 years of "hope and change". He embarrassed the U.S. with his infamous apology tour and ruined relationships with allies. He brought disgrace with "Fast and Furious", the IRS scandal with 501c3 discrimination, and of course Obamacare. I submit, the left just does not know how to manage, build constructively, negotiate, or protect. Anyone who considers Obama's presidency as a success is delusional at best and if answered honestly would have to say things are NOT better than when he took office.

  7. This man is the worst president ever, he insighted racism his self with his remarks. He defended street thugs, murderers, rapist and his circle of friends were race baiters including Al Sharpton. I hope after today the media lets him die in his old archives and we never hear his name again.


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