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Sunday, January 22, 2017

Rep. Anthony Brown To Skip Inauguration; Cites ‘Verbal Attack’ On John Lewis

BALTIMORE (WJZ) — U.S. Representative and former Lt. Governor of Maryland Anthony Brown, D-Md., said he will not attend the inauguration of President-elect Donald Trump because of Trump’s “verbal attack” on Rep. John Lewis.

Rep. Brown took to social media Monday afternoon to announce that he will not attend the inauguration on Friday.

He said he has “respect the office of President of the United States,” but “can’t tolerate disrespect.”



  1. He will never get anywhere because he constantly surrounds himself with bad people. He should be doing the opposite and supporting trump. He would find himself in the west wing but instead he plays the race card. We are tired of the race card and race pimps.

    1. I don't see a race card here; I'm white and I'm not attending and that's my choice.

  2. STFU Brown you can't even use proper English and made yourself look like a fool, just like O'faily did...

    Oh that is right, you can't take a genuine picture with your family without it being planned "To show like you are a family man and playing with you kids" Yet you have make-up on for the so called genuine photo op with yuor kids...

    You are fake, all politicians are fake and the citizen's of this country are just Stupid people...

  3. But its OK if Trump is the one being disrespected.
    Typical liberalism.

    1. Trump has disrespected every group of people except the white man. I didn't respect him before he was president elect and I will not respect him ever. He is ignorant, a bully, arrogant, and can't complete a sentence without repeating it over and over and he certainly can't answer a simple question. If you don't agree with him, he goes on twitter to express his feelings. Never in the history of this country has a person been under such scrutiny, lawsuits, taxes, etc., than this childish person, and yet, people like you, think it's ok. God help us all...

  4. This clown wants to talk about respect but forgets that it was not Trump who made any comments to begin, it was Lewis, whose real claim to fame is that he got his tail beat 50 years ago and refuses to let anyone forget that. I have a lot of respect for those who stood with MLK for civil rights, but don't believe you have anything special because you were there, so were a lot of other good men and women who deserve the same respect.

  5. Tony is another turd of the same ilk as Lewis, Obama, Holder, Lynch, Cummings, Waters....the list goes on and on!

  6. Who really gives a crap whether these people go or not. If you don't want to attend stay home and keep your mouth shit.

  7. Respect goes both ways! LOSER!!

  8. BLM will not get him anywhere...just another stain on him and us

  9. Anthony Brown is another "has been" like O'Malley. Nothing original, same old same old.

  10. I'm sure President Trump will be fine without all these losers not showing up.

  11. It's more likely that he doesn't have an invitation to attend.

  12. Just another black racist. He won't be missed. This is the kind of stuff he has to do to even get mentioned by the media. Totally insignificant.

    1. How is this racist??? A lot of people are not attending and it doesn't make them racist. It's one's choice to attend or not so move on.

  13. this guy has never had an original thought in his life-just another example of affirmative action -THANK GOD he lost

  14. I'm sure Anthony will be missed by all who attend!

  15. I think not one single person will miss him, matter of fact, everyone will probably be glad that he stayed away.

  16. he will be busy hiding from his epic fail on the EXCHANGE and paying back all that campaign debt

  17. Disgraceful that there is so little respect for the OFFICE! Says a lot about these people.

  18. Good! The more that stay away the better. They don't deserve to be around the good decent people of the country. Their pretense would just foul the air. No one of any moral character would want to breath the same air as this filth.

  19. Lewis and Brown are anti white racists.

  20. BUT Anthony Brown must love liars. Lewis said this is the first Inauguration he has missed. FOX disputed that and has proven Lewis made the exact same statement when Bush was inaugurated. His excuse Bush was not a “legitimate president” is now Trump is not a “legitimate president” Old Anthony hates disrespectful people BUT respects liar.

    You go, Ant Bro, but I have to agree with Trump on his tweet of crime in inner cities and we all need to work together. Lewis refuses to come to the table with Trump to help save Atlanta, so am guessing you won't be trying to help Trump with Baltimore.

    By the way, ask BFF Lewis what the MARTA (Atlanta Street car line) is an abbreviation for.

  21. LOSER!!! He was handed MD and could not carry it. Lost to a no - Hogan. Legend in his own mind.

  22. Former Lt.Governor under the former loser....says it all.

  23. If certain people don't want to go, then don't. They will not be missed.

  24. Previous supporter. Just lost respect for him.

  25. A Congressman (!!) says in a public interview that he will find it very difficult to work with a man who is not a legitimate President.
    Because the Russians released all those e-mails showing the depravity, corruption, misogynist, anti-Catholic, and racist views of the behind-the-scenes working of the so-called inclusive and tolerant Democrat leadership?? Lying and cheating were the operating principles of these losers??
    We came THIS CLOSE to having a Mafia type killer who whored herself and her family the highest bidder. Sold assets and favors to whomever gave money to their "foundation", which has dried up now. I wonder why???
    HE started the disrespect. He does what used to be called "resting on his laurels". He makes sure that everyone he talks to knows he took some 1960's ace whippings for justice. It DOESN'T give him a free pass to get away with anything he wants to say - A whole LOT of people got the same thing.
    You give it? You better be able to take it, too.

  26. President Obama, one of the classiest, calmest predidents, ever. He remained calm amid all the haters, amid all the disrespect, amid all the ones who tried to bring him down. Can you really compare President Obama's leadership and calm demeanor to Trump's rudeness and arrogance? Can you compare Obama's ability to articulate and his knowledge of issues involving this country to Trump's knowledge of knowing absolutely nothing and his non speaking ability? President Obama...very respected, very well loved, no scandals...best president, ever.

  27. He represents the people of Baltimore....enough said.

  28. 3:28 I'm wiling to put up with a lot not to have Hillary as President.

  29. 3:43--
    Put the crack pipe down,dude! Sooo, Fast & Furious, Bengazi don't ring any bells? Calm? How about cowardice with a hidden (coming out now, though, isn't it) agenda.

  30. A Lt. Gov under a failed administration sure not worthy of a mention. Like our president said, stay away the seats can be used.
    The leader won the presidency, so if he didn't answer a simple question to your liking, what does that tell you.
    Can you compare Obama's ability to articulate and his knowledge of issues involving this country to Trump's knowledge of knowing absolutely nothing and his non speaking ability?
    I can't compare because I didn't listen to the out going loser. I didn't have time for him to mumble and choose each lie before spitting it out.
    Now, you mention all the niceties. What about the job he was illegitimately elected to do. Were you so draw to the things you proudly listed that you didn't look around. Have you taken a gander at what the country is today, from when the failure fooled the public in '08? Thank goodness President Trump (I like the sound of that) President Trump has agreed to clean up the failed dudes messes.


  31. Just after the turn of the year Anthony Brown was sworn in as a member of Congress representing a gerrymandered MD district.

    First item on his agenda was to continue to be a Democrat lapdog by 'personcotting' the presidential ceremonies. He may not be bringing home as much bacon as he thought to his district. Actions have consequences in the political realm.


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