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Sunday, January 22, 2017

Public Hearing Tomorrow Morning

 Tomorrow at 10 a.m., the county council will hold a public hearing on the executive's capital improvement program. This is the spending plan for capital projects over the next five years. Here are some of the projects included in the plan for next year: 
West Salisbury School replacement: $4.2 million 
Mardela Middle/High School track: $400,000 
New public safety building study: $600,000 
Barren Creek Road restoration: $500,000 
Complete the Westside Collector Rd: $500,000 (of a total $2 million project) 
Replace roof on Perdue Stadium: $700,000 If you want to speak up on these or any other capital projects, come to our meeting tomorrow or send us an e-mail.


  1. Comments are considerably neutered commentary without the ability or forum for the public to make "drill down" inquires of the "experts" agreeing to the valuation of these proposals.
    For one I am curious as to the newly enlightening non redundent deliverables of a $600,000 study. I suspect to the discerning eye that includes a degree of fluff.
    Will the solicitors of these bids/valuations be on hand for discourse?
    Yea, didn't think so. Useless exercise

    1. Or, a half million bucks for Barren Creek Road? Isn't that about a mile long? Cmon Culver-the county needs your leadership.

  2. Who gets that money for the 'study'? Why does a feasibility study cost so much? Don't we have people on staff that could do that? You either need it or not? There, just did my civic duty and saved Wicomico county $600k!!

  3. 4.2 million is way low for West Salisbury School replacement.Why would anyone make such a claim when 10 million is more accurate?

  4. Staff only puts out to bid. Not qualified to scrutinize the value derived. Certainly a project of that size is their first.
    Get your checkbooks out

  5. I really don't know why they are bothering with a public hearing. It's already a done deal, they are just letting everyone know, hey this is what we're doing, like it or not.

  6. That is because they are infinitely wiser than you taxpaying sheeple morons

  7. Why are we responsible for the replacement of the roof at Perdue Stadium?
    700,000? wtf!!! Wicomico residents have never been given any discount in admissions fees or parking. Why is it our responsibility for this? Should this go to the owners of the stadium? The state is 30 million in debt. Most people in this county make a household income for 30K or less. How in the hell do you expect us to pay for these projects? Can't get blood out of a turnip! We have no jobs, and a high unemployment rate! Where is the money coming from?

  8. Not our problem. We have jobs - spending your money. Now get in line, suffer in silence and pay The Crown
    How dare you question your government

  9. So wasn't the stadium roof was replaced within the last 10 years?

  10. Ingenious! Have the hearing while all those with an interest in the use of their money are at work generating taxes to pay for their shopping spree.

  11. I'll have what they're drinking.

  12. Delmarva Shorebirds will be gone in a few years. A passing fad.

  13. What about Wicomico County Roads, about the bridges we hear are falling down, what about trying to boost the economy by cleaning up the city, tear down boarded up houses, bringing businesses to Salisbury and Wicomico County that we don't have to give tax breaks to them to come here. This area is deplorable, we revitalize downtown with numerous bars. Why do we have to go to Delaware for cheaper prices and outlet stores. We need Trump planners and thinkers for Salisbury cut out the fluff and get real

  14. They just do not or can not 'get it'.
    Playing, like children in the sandbox, ignorant of reality. And yet so self righteous that they know and we don't.
    Try talking to one. They will nod in agreement and then walk away and do the opposite.

  15. 10:02 spot on. Won't change until the bureaucrats are replaced by business planners and thinkers
    And SWED needs to be drained and start over. There hasn't been meaningful economic development in this county since its creation

  16. I hope other job titles are brought up to grade this year like last year when several county employees received very very nice raises. The rest of the blue collar crew are waiting for there turn. But I am sure we will be passed over because of the expensive price of road salt or another study or police explorer we have to purchase.

  17. Barren Creek Rd? What is there, one maybe two families living there? Must be related to someone to get that road done just to benefit them. 10:02, business's have been trying to come to Salisbury. Salisbury will not let them come here. Cracker Barrel has tried at least twice and Salisbury has turned them down both times. Says their sign will be too tall. I guess the tower at the university isn't too tall and the tower with the school team on it at Parkside is ok too? All in who you know I guess. We need to look into that.

  18. One more thing, like they are going to listen to us. They will have an officer there to sit you down if they do not want to hear what you have to say.

  19. Wicomico rec and parks should all be subbed out, huge waste of money, most employees only "work" 4 months out of the year and then find a place to hide or sweep the same floor they swept yesterday, and the day before that........

  20. What is it with these "studies"? Culvers predessor is "managing" Crisfield & has spent thousands in studies and there is little to show for it but they are all liberals anyway.I doubt Culver will allow too much of that waste to continue in Wicomico County

  21. Let the stadium replace it's own roof... from the profits...


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