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Sunday, January 29, 2017


Well Idiots, fortunately you are safe here on the Shore as it's difficult to find anything over two stories. Nevertheless, have at it, fools.


  1. Yes all you libtards please do something good for society for once. The parking garage downtown should do the trick.

  2. One Main building should do the trick. I sure hope this catches on!

  3. I will volunteer to drive demorioters to the bay bridge free of charge

  4. If the MSM tells them it's the new trend, I think the libtards will do it. They seem to believe everything else.

    1. This should go viral immediately. I wasn't a fan of natural selection, but..........

  5. Salisbury Hospital is tall enough

  6. Get this to CNN now!

  7. This isn't funny. The libtards are dumb enough to do it!!!

  8. 6:42 - what's your point???
    Hopefully they'll do it BEFORE they breed!

  9. Pelosi, Sharpton,Soros,Rosie,Madonna,Omalley,Reid,Schumer, Moore lead the way, Please.

  10. joe
    CNN IS still running obama legacy documentries lol these people are NUTS.

  11. Joe, didn't Van Halen write a song for those snowflakes entitled "JUMP" GO AHEAD AND JUMP!!! I bet they are liars just like the ones that were leaving the United States when President Trump won!!!

  12. Anonymous said...
    This isn't funny. The libtards are dumb enough to do it!!!

    January 22, 2017 at 6:42 PM

    And the downside is???

  13. Anonymous said...
    Pelosi, Sharpton,Soros,Rosie,Madonna,Omalley,Reid,Schumer, Moore lead the way, Please.

    January 22, 2017 at 8:17 PM

    Cook, Day, Liarton, Glanz, Parker, Hastings, etc.

  14. Owning a business with bucket trucks, I'll be willing to take one off the clock for use. We can park it on private property and give those in need of jumping, a free ride high enough to give them relief when landing.I started to say give them a little help if they lose their nerve, but no need for me to get into litigation later. I can give them a one way ride, leaving them to climb down that slippery boom saturated with hydraulic fluid if losing their nerve.If you need a lift, please reply on this post.

  15. At the risk of redundancy, I will post this message once again although it may not be verbatim of all previous posts, the message is the same. I have voted for every republican president in every election I was able to vote in even if I personally did not support everything they stood for. However, it is beyond my ability to understand how there are so many people here that believe that every person that is a democrat is dumb, brainwashed, a fool, evil, on welfare and is not entitled to their point of view. If you are posting here from a computer, then you are either using a Microsoft operating system or an Apple product. Both systems developed by democrats. Many of the things you use on a daily basis were developed by democrats and many of the people you rely on such as doctors/ lawyers/accountants are might be democrats. The balance of power shifts from one party to the other in cycles. The most recent elections seem to have divided the country more so than in the past. People on each side have the right to their beliefs and no one should should cast generalizations on either side. There are some very intelligent people that believe in the democratic party and and the republican party. There are also some that support one or the other party that quite honestly should not be able to vote. I respect my peers that have a different viewpoint/opinion. I don't respect those that use political affiliation as the determination of another person's value to society.

  16. It does not matter how many idiots jump. Our failing public education system and colleges produce liberals by the bushel basket. We will be dealing with these idiots for a long time.

  17. Almost a nice post, 3:20. Have you studied the platform of the democratic party these past several years? These "intelligent" people all: support killing babies, but not murderers; forcibly take money from hard-working people and give it to generations of people who WILL NOT work so that the non-workers will vote democrat; want open borders solely for more votes from non-citizens, even if it means entrance for countless islamic jihadists and other criminals; and many more idiotic policies that the rest of us find totally reprehensible.

    They gave us Obama, who has the shadiest, least verifiable history of any American politician only because they wanted a black president (who turned out to be the worst president ever), and tried to shove Hillary down out throats because they wanted a woman president, despite her treason, pay-for-play, complete lask of credibility, and the dozens of murders that have followed her for decades.

    Face it, the party has been hijacked by the very far left and Alinsky-ites. These, as you call them, "very intelligent people" have abandoned the principles of the great JFK and embraced the lunacy of his brother Edward and other complete idealogues, like Pelosi, Reid, Sharpton, O'Malley, and their patron saint George Soros. Your friends lost, and will continue to lose, until they worry more about all of us instead of gaining and keeping power at any cost.

  18. 3:20 AM comedy at 3AM. I like it!

  19. 3:20 AM...I am an accountant and spent 42 years in finance. I have voted the Republican ticket except once when I voted for Bill Clinton's second term. Since 2008 I have seen the ugly, two faced, disingenuous sides of the left and frankly we, as a country, were headed for disaster. I too know some very intelligent people who lean left and for the life of me do not understand their ideology. It makes little to no sense to me.

  20. Thank you, 7:24. 3:20 am doesn't do research if he/she blindly votes a straight ticket every election. That requires no brain power at all beyond driving to the polls.

  21. That should be the Hillary Demon-crats Jumping off !!


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