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Sunday, January 29, 2017

Jesse James Tweets About Women's March


  1. 100% correct jessie.

  2. I can't figure these idiotic women out, Trump hasn't actually been proven to be creepy to women, so they protest, but when Bill Clinton was proven several times to be a creep, not even one of them bitched, or protested.

  3. I am a woman, and I agree 100% with Jesse's statement.

  4. Exactly - they stood with Hillary as she stood with Bill who messed around in the White House multiple times. They stand with the vulgar Madonna and Miley Cyrus - wow - that says alot.

  5. I can't figure these idiotic men out.

    Since I am only making 65% of what you make to do the same job and barely keeping my head above water, maybe you could take that 35% extra you make and you help the homeless and the vets, because that 35% is my contribution.

    1. All I'm hearing is waaaaaaahhhhhhhhh. 😭

    2. I guess you have proof that for the exact job you are doing a man is getting paid more. Prove it snowflake

  6. Gerald, that is becasue they were not getting paid to protest like they arr now... People couldn't stand up or protest when the govt at the time was infringing on peoples rights, what makes you think they would willingly and without pay stand up and protest??? NO one and someone who believes other wise is a damn fool... These people are paid and that is the only damn reason they were marching...

  7. Jesse James and Donald have a lot in common both cheated on spouses and both have (had) wives that took their clothes off for money. Keep it classy. 🙄

    1. Seriously did you see the women marching... Wearing vagina costumes and p***y hats. They sure did not keep it classy, more like trashy

    2. What did bill clinton do in the WHITEHOUSE ? Hmmmmm

  8. 1:26
    Jesse does help the homeless. He is the founder of a homeless shelter in California and also donated a building to a rescue mission.

  9. The Women marching were a disgrace to Women...and I am a woman.

  10. These far-leftist protesters are showing their immorality, immaturity and selfishness. Basically they're saying that their votes were the only ones that counted. Not the millions who voted for Trump/Pence and the final electoral college vote count.

  11. When you see yourself as a victim you don't help anybody else.

  12. We have some local fools that also support this garbage like Jackie Welfunker...She needs to be thrown out of our local Republican groups!

  13. Thank God I married a classy women.

  14. So celebs should only be allowed to speak up when they praise Trump?

  15. Liberals only care about the BS items in our society, not the real issues and Jesse James was completely correct. If the women in the seventies hadn't acted like this ERA probably would've been ratified. You can't take someone walking around dressed as a vagina as really having any valid argument. Don't recall Madonna or Ashley Judd screaming about equal pay for women. It was just an extension of a two-plus month tantrum because their candidate didn't win the election.


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