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Monday, January 23, 2017

NPS: Cleanup ‘going well’ after inauguration, Women’s March

WASHINGTON — The cleanup continues on the National Mall following the inauguration Friday and the Women’s March on Washington Saturday.

The National Park Service has been working to get the area back to its original condition, removing trash, taking down the fencing and pulling up the decking for the recent activities.

“We’ve had our maintenance team out there since last night when they already did a pass,” National Park Service spokeswoman Emily Linroth said Saturday. “Today, they are really going through with a fine tooth comb and picking up what’s left. They do this every July Fourth, so they are pros at it.”

This time around, officials say, visitors were tidier than prior years. Linroth says so far, the cleanup is going well.

“Fortunately, a lot of people, even though, the trash cans were full, have stacked the trash neatly as close to the trash cans as they could get them, so that is making our job easier,” Linroth said.



  1. WTF do our tax payers have to clean up after those nasty pigs!!

  2. I wonder if they keep their homes this way?


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