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Monday, January 23, 2017

It has been a really bad week for journalism

It has been a particularly embarrassing week for the press, and it's only Saturday.

For an industry that's as disliked and distrusted as Congress, there's a lot of work that media need to do to win back viewers' trust. There's no room for error, especially now that there's a subgenre of "news" that has zero basis in fact, and is created from thin air for the sole purpose of generating cash.

But learning to be more careful and even-handed is apparently difficult for some in media, and this week was especially rough for newsrooms that are already struggling to regain credibility.

In no particular order, here are some of the most embarrassing media moments from this week:



  1. The MSM lies SO much! I know there is a lot of controversy regarding the picture of Trump's crowd vs. Obama. I personally know 3 different families that attended that stood at different sections and they ALL said the entire mall was just packed full.

    Also, I heard a reporter say that some of the empty bleachers toward the end of the parade route were being saved for parade participants, etc. I cannot stand the dishonestly of the main stream media!!

  2. There is no journalism and this has been going on since the 60's.

  3. As it should be. You act with no honor, you deserve no honor or loyalty. The Moscow news is more honest than our MSM!


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