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Monday, January 23, 2017

Now This Is Really Cool. Look Now Before CNN Takes It Down.

Joe – zoom in and look at all the people all the way to the back and also zoom in and look at all the people off to the right on the side streets. And then for you. The funny thing is this is on CNN's own sight



  1. Certainly a lot different than the one that Chuck Todd was arguing over with KellyAnne Conway!

    Seems like the liberal media continues to be just that!

  2. Way to disprove your own narrative CNN!

  3. Spend some time and zoom in and out of the crowd especially on the sides and see all the people who are there not included 'right down the middle'. This really is amazing and why President Trump said he looked out and saw a sea of people...

  4. The picture in question was TAKEN 3 HRS before the Inuguration.

  5. I found my wife and I. pretty cool.

  6. Surprised Chris Wallace argued the same point with Reince.

  7. "The picture in question was TAKEN 3 HRS before the Inuguration."

    Trump was speaking at the time it was taken.

  8. This is GREAT! You need to let Fox News know about this!

    A little off subject, but I want to comment about Chuck Todd who was so out of line and sarcastic to Kellyanne Conway on Meet the Press. He needs to be blackballed. I understand what she meant by her "alternative facts" comment that has driven the media crazy. Alternative facts are statements of truth that do not comport with the so-called "facts" the media promotes. Many media types have made fun of her, when the reality is she is right and they are shills for the left. The media is more disgusting every day...and that arrogant @ss Tood needs to be put on ignore by the Administration.

    1. Thsy need to STOP doing there bs shows and giving them ratings.


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