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Monday, January 23, 2017

FAKE NEWS on Day One: TIME Reporter’s False Martin Luther King Bust Story

White House press secretary, Sean Spicer, scolded TIME magazine White House pool reporter Zeke Miller on Friday for falsely reporting that the Martin Luther King Jr. bust had been removed from the Oval Office after President Donald Trump moved in.

Miller had initially tweeted Friday that the MLK Jr. bust, which then-President Obama put in the Oval Office after removing a bust of former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill in 2009, had been removed from the Oval Office.

Realizing his mistake, Miller tweeted a correction and apologized for spreading the false report..



  1. The MSM will be relentless against Trump. The man they helped get elected in the primary and the one they KNEW would lose to their candidate in the general elections. They're just pissed that their plan backfired.
    Keep generating any negative story after another.
    Newsflash: people are no longer drinking Kool-Aid!

  2. Kudos to Mr Miller, though, at least he is willing to admit it when he makes a mistake.

  3. The good thing is he will tweet to the people the truth. No one trust the MSM any more.

  4. The media likes to keep black people on edge.


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