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Sunday, January 29, 2017

Mayor: Baltimore 'welcoming' city for immigrants, not 'sanctuary'

BALTIMORE —Baltimore Mayor Catherine Pugh has set the record straight about her policies concerning undocumented immigrants.

The mayor's remarks Wednesday comes as the new president cracks down on so-called sanctuary cities.

The mayor said she wants immigrants to feel welcome in Baltimore, but she's not using that term that has caught the ire of the president.

Pugh said it is a matter of policy that Baltimore police officers are not to ask about a person's immigration status when they encounter the public.



  1. Instead of Charm City it should be called Destitute city. Baltimore is a pox on the state of Maryland.

  2. Sorry miss Puke
    New sheriff in town it will be allowed
    If you don't ask and you let them go that my friend is sanctuary
    Although I am sure you know that.
    Besides Baltimore like Chicago should be put on alert to clean up their murderous act

  3. 1:33 you say that from the shore I bet. Which is even worse in crime statistics per capita.

  4. Substituting one word for another again. Just like illegal aliens became undocumented immigrants. Same thing, different wording. It still means illegal.

  5. Baltimore is a terrible place. It's dirty and dangerous and they deserve all the Muslims they get with this so-called policy.

  6. When Baltimore Loses Funding just like PG COUNTY, Montgomery County, and Howard County for sanctuary cities... Maryland Taxpayers are gonna cough up the costs due to lose of tax money

  7. 1:33 you are correct. I have worked there and I concur. You must be from Baltmore, as they call it there, and if you live on the Shore you moved here to get away from that trashy place. Never figured out why Schaefer ever gave it that nickname, since the only charm there was the Orioles.

  8. So does "welcoming city" imply that she is going to provide a place to document their arrival?

  9. How is she going to welcome anyone when she is in prison for election fraud??

  10. Democrats doing a fine job with Baltimore aren't they?

  11. Fine. Let HER welcome them. Let them stay at her house. Feed them and give them a ride.
    Just don't think you get to make the rest of us PAY for your kind generosity to criminals (and that, firstly, is exactly what they are).
    I have my own family to feed and support. I can't be taking on 2-3 OTHER families that I've never even met.
    I'm already feeding and sheltering several familes (well, a 19 year old woman with 3 kids, anyway) on Booth St.
    Politicians are ALWAYS ready and willing to take something from the working class and give it to people who have no desire to do anything except live in a free apartment and have another kid.
    HANG THEM. Its the ONLY way they will ever stop spending our money.

  12. Yea mayor
    Let's watch how well that works out
    Good luck

  13. Ya just can't fix stupid!
    How the heck do these people get elected?

  14. There are hateful and bigoted comments here that disgust me. On the topic of the article, the people were discussing are in the country illegally and must go. If people want to be in the US they need to do so in accordance with our immigration laws and live by the laws of our country. Does the mayor not take an oath to uphold the law?

  15. If you're looking for political rhetoric, look no farther than Baltimore's leadership.

  16. Cathy, did you not read/heed/watch your predecessor in failure? Follow that same path and your rein will be very short.

    Test the man in the White House...yeah, go right ahead!

  17. For crying out loud - Baltimore is BANKRUPT!!! Everyone knows it. Just go two to three blocks from the Inner Harbor and look at their road infrastructure. They don't have any funds to repair anything! Their entitlements have consumed nearly all of the annual budget and there is nothing left. Plus - factor-in that there used to be about 1 million residents and now they are down to approximately 622,000 residents - so almost 300,000 people have fled. Can you imagine the devastation that does to a fiscal budget as the population has diminished by 34.5%.

    I am not making this stuff-up - check it out for yourself.

  18. 1:47 PM:
    If crime is so bad here on the shore, why do you Baltimorons flock to Ocean City every summer? Why do the bush shooting Baltimorons continually come to the shore to hunt during hunting season if it's that bad? Please, please to us a favor and stay in that shi_ _ y city, west of the Chesapeake Bay.

  19. So she thinks Baltimore is going to dance away from the penalty by ignoring the problem, when encountered. That is failing to enforce the law, just like ignoring a speeder when they go by. I don't think Trump is going to let her, and Baltimore off so lightly.

  20. Nobody wants to go there !

  21. I hope the mayor and their family are criminally victimized by these illegals and then forced watch nothing happen!


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