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Sunday, January 29, 2017

Madeleine Albright: 'I Stand Ready to Register as Muslim'

Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright said Wednesday that "I stand ready to register as Muslim" if President Donald Trump instituted any efforts to bar Muslims from entering the United States.
Albright, 79, who was the nation's top diplomat during the Clinton administration, posted her declaration on Twitter:

I was raised Catholic, became Episcopalian & found out later my family was Jewish. I stand ready to register as Muslim in.



  1. POS
    send her to syria.

  2. Agree with 9:16 AM comment. The old bat just needs to shut up.

  3. Who cares what she does?

  4. rot in terrorist hell.

  5. Good. Then we can ban her and send her away!

  6. Apparently she is whatever religion that is politically expedient for her. She didn't "realize" she was Jewish until just after she was confirmed as Secretary of State. Nobody cares what religion she is personally and politically trying to capitalize on this time. I never liked the lying and deceitful woman. Heck, I thought she was dead already. I wonder what her "Jewish" family would think of her declaring she is Muslim, to show her solidarity with Muslims (that want to destroy Jews and Israel)? What a typical Democrat flake.

  7. Get your paperwork!!

  8. libs always entertaining that limelight!!!!
    Shouldn't entertain that crapola as a news item. Its junk and trash.

    Kids are starting to come in to Salisbury U....should be getting some good/real entertaining news from there over the next several months!!!!!!

  9. Put her on the NO FLY LIST.

  10. Really - who cares what she does? Keeping our country safe is the President's duty to all US citizens.

  11. I wonder if she is going to wear a hijab or what ever that crap is?

  12. Sounds like the word "faith" has some different meaning for her. Faith is a strong inherent belief obviously something she is lacking.

  13. Old Bafoon
    Who Cares what she thinks

  14. If that's the case she can shut up and do it why doesn't she claim she is leaving the country as the rest have stated and not done. There just idle words from idle minds.

  15. I already thought she was Muslim......

  16. Sounds like she's ready for the old age home!

  17. Please leave, I'm
    Tired of paying your pension.


  18. Hope she gets the cover of Vogue in her burqua!

  19. Didn't that old woman run NAACP years ago, or is it NACP. I can't get use to all this crap like BLM. I can easily remember Black Loud Mouths

  20. Democrat or muslim or both. Who cares. Both are a cancer and pure examples of human trash. Being both is no different than be just one. Death to all muslims and democrats!!!

  21. I always refer to her as Madeleine Halfbright

  22. Christ will remember her.

  23. This kind of idiocy is what gives seniors a bad name.

  24. Wonder if Albright realizes that by declaring herself Muslim when she is not is actually falsifying a government document which comes with a penalty of perjury and punishable by a fine and/or jail sentence of no less than three years. Like a typical Democrat she can't seem to follow our Laws. What about her champion for women? Islam is notorious for its objectification of women and the use of Sharia law that stones women at any whimsical chance to torture including rape. Where was Albright when she was Secretary of State and the Rwanda genocide was occurring? One thing she was doing was stopping the mass murder!

  25. She would definitely look better in a burqua.

  26. yes, please cover up that face

  27. Please Do ....so then we can Deport YOU !!


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